Hearthstone version of Bronze League Heroes

All the way back when StarCraft 2 was a new thing, a well-known SC content creator called HuskyStarcraft ran a series called Bronze League Heroes where he would narrate replays of people in Bronze League. It was also retry funny and instructional. The closest thing Hearthstone has ever had to something like this is this video of Kripparian where he spectated someone presumably very inexperienced: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CqJz5cKiI1s

Someone should try to do a series like this in Hearthstone, though the mechanics of Hearthstone makes this much harder to do than in StarCraft 2. It should be good laughs for everyone and instructional to most

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Please please please, I couldnt even qualify against the SC2 assessment bots to even get to be in bronze league. the 2nd of 3 matches against ai always wooped me. so I could never actually get into any league. I would love some instructional vids. and not like Ask4MomsGold type of watch me watch something instructional but more like an actual breakdown and explanation of what happened, is happening, is about to happen. etc what the cards being used are with a popup that can be paused for reading. showing Madden like play strategies with the Xs Os and arrows. Man id love this. I dont even care if a bunch of folk would just find it comedic.