Hearthstone Muslim Togetherness Thread

Yeah, passionate dislike. How do you think passionate dislike happens? Because if you dislike something, you usually dont spent more time with it to get a passionate dislike. You have to like it before to reach passionate dislike.

You cant tell me what to do, nor can you tell me what i feel. You have no idea what i went through.

You are talking about tolerance? How about tolerating intolerance? Because thats what you are doing.

i have all kinds of friends. including some who are both extremely right wing and religious. i am very gay and very very liberal. i am zealous, but not about religion despite being a believer. we have talked about stuff and didn’t try to convert each other. no one i’ve ever met that is religious (even living in tiny podunk religious towns almost my entire life) the most that’s ever happened is that they asked me to come to church with them and when i declined i was told “maybe some other time.”

the biggest “religious” extremists i’ve ever met have been online. you can mute/block them. which is what i’ve done on wow forums for people who have been aggressively atheist. i didn’t block because we disagreed. i blocked because they went way over the top with extremist language regarding religious people. you cannot be tolerant if you aren’t tolerant. if you are intolerant (religious or non-believer) you should realize you will face backlash. on my end, if i cannot have a civil discussion because someone keeps shouting racist/phobic/hateful things i’d rather block them than report everything they post from that convo on. someone with that kind of chip on their shoulder doesn’t change. i added a religious nutter i argued with on the wow forums to discord so we could speak about christianity. he was less crazy there. the thing though is that he got that way because of how venomously devout people are attacked online. have you ever heard the phrase “you get what you give”? that applies both ways.

I have met a vast vareity of different religious people. All of them started to try to convert me and asking if you come to their church already belongs to that. Then i had the people who called people from other believes non-humans, asked what i think about genocides of specific religious groups, would actually attack anyone who doesnt have any belief at all, would even kill people who would leave their religions. I will give you three chances to guess from which religious group came the most aggressive statements.

Most religions are fundamentally intolerant to everyone not belonging to that religion and that would still be shown in europe today if we hadnt castrated christianity.

the most intolerant hateful bigots i’ve ever met were people who called themselves “freethinkers.”


notice this:

Why should I be happy to be a freethinker?

Freethought is reasonable. Freethought allows you to do your own thinking. A plurality of individuals thinking, free from restraints of orthodoxy, allows ideas to be tested, discarded or adopted.
Freethinkers see no pride in the blind maintenance of ancient superstitions or self-effacing prostration before divine tyrants known only through primitive “revelations.” Freethought is respectable. Freethought is truly free.

notice how ridiculously extreme this language is, for instance.

i am tolerant of any belief that doesn’t harm women/children/the elderly/anyone that could be hurt. they think because i believe that i am not open minded. i am. jesus was the most socialist/anti-violence/pro-helping the less fortunate/pro-lib person to ever exist. do you remember him turning a few fish into 34975934875 fish to feed the hungry? or when he was turning water into wine to give to people in need and his mom copped attitude that he told her, literally, “get behind me satan.” there’s 983274975 things i could reference, here.

people who don’t believe the above are not christian christians. they are jesus cultists who pretend to follow a doctrine they don’t even believe. if they read what jesus actually said, not what a preacher told them he said, they wouldn’t think that way. a “sunday” christian is all they are. not an actual devout jesus loving christian.

actual christianity is not the problem. neither is actual judaism. or actual islam. or actual atheism.

the problem is people who use the idea of what they think their "religious"choice means to try to bludgeon and control others who don’t believe as they do.

Thats why religion is a problem. Its a strong tool to manipulate too many people and since their holy books are usually cramped with vague metaphors, people start to interpret things differently. Its also a problem that there are several different religions that basically compete with each other.

Saying that not religion but the people are the problem is the same situation with the gunlaws in the united states. So if the people are the problem, they should get banned from interacting with those things, instead of banning the things themself?

there is no way to “ban” religion. most people lack the capacity to think for themselves. yes, even people who use atheism as a religion. people will always believe whatever they want to.

look up sephardic judaism. essentially they learned to hide being jewish/practice kashrut. their options were to 1. become catholic. 2. leave and never return or 3. stay and die because they were jews. but they were sneaky instead, and hid it.

i know this because some of my extended family are sephardic.

you cannot change someone’s most deeply head beliefs, even if you feel they aren’t rational.

a lot of people only don’t do terrible things due to fear of divine punishment. a lot of people are literal psychopaths and religion is the only thing keeping them in line.

there are just as many who are “good” to their core who would be even if they weren’t religious. but religion sorta keeps the former in check.

can’t use the term directly on the forums but


his assertion is correct, but mostly because people, as i said- claim to believe things they don’t actually believe.

Aye, the atheists are in the same boat as the theists.

Yet religion shouldnt be excused because people get indoctrinated into it since birth. Humanity should be able to develope a helping organisation focused on humans without the need to add fantastical stuff to manipulate them.

We already have other means to help mentally ill people.

i have known atheists that became lunatic religious because they started abusing substances and went into AA/NA. not because they were pushed to but because it gave them a feeling of comfort that things weren’t in their power.

the biggest problem i have with most religious beliefs is that some divine being can absolve you of a life full of butt fedora-ness by claiming you believe.

my own personal belief is that eventually you’ll come before whoever you believe is you creator, you see your entire life, and then you judge yourself. otherwise no one in china or many other countries could ever hope to not go to eternal torment. and i doubt any deity would create people just to give them eternal punishment.

in that, a good person is a good person- regardless of what faith they had or didn’t have. and they will not be unfairly judged for picking “incorrectly.”

i also believe that a creator cares about who were are dating/loving about as much as we care about what ants do all day.

a lot of most religious books are about a creator figure trying to control others actions. which i don’t agree with either.

i go from believing to being agnostic and back and forth, mostly because i find every religion has something i find problematic. something that people use to harm others.

but that’s no different than political beliefs.

those aren’t going anywhere either, though.

I respect your belief, because it is yours. I will never attack the product of your own thoughts, doesnt matter how ridiculous they may be (not saying that yours is ridiculous). Like, its ok for me if people would believe in whatever entity they want to believe, but i have a problem with using that belief as a fundament of an organisation or as a means to act upon it. Its still only a belief. I have my own belief too.

that’s my thing too. for me, in a perfect world, people would think/believe for themselves.

israel literally means “one who wrestles with god.” there is no eternal torment in it. and they mostly don’t care who does what as long as you marry a nice jewish girl. XD generally speaking are also mostly liberal and have a lot of other beliefs in common with me.

for me the issue is my mother converted from being lutheran to pentacostal (which lutheran is what most of my immediate family became post ww2 when we all stopped being jewish) and she was afraid if i didn’t believe in jesus i’d never be in the afterlife with her. those are the ones who speak in tongues, handle snakes, faith heal, and believe they talk directly to god.

Yes, those people are indeed a problem. But its getting better when we have more people like you who think for themself.

I am going off now. Was quite interesting to talk with you, even though our discussion started on bad terms.

New thread topic up guys

everyone is “god” 1 entity united from mass cells born from emptyness(theory)

well…i would have to say i’am alike to monkey in regard to religion…though i didn’t go trough the nastyness he claim he went trough…stuff brainwash weak minded…and some goes zealous on it attacking non-followers

however i’am a spiritualism(dunno if thats his case)… aka i do ponder how we came to be(minimal proof is that our planet and us popped into existence out of nowhere) … beyond that we are lacking in term of information(so just wild guess on how life work) …but dang…i would not want to be in the shoes of ppl fearing for their life for unproven stuff XD

This thread is flat out ridiculous!

We come to this forum to discuss Hearthstone, and WE as a community is a multi-faceted whole.

Yes, sometimes other things other than Hearthstone seeps into our community, that is an inevitable nature of a social community of “HUMANS”.

However, and as in “ALL” things, there must exist limits upon the “SYSTEM” in question, so as to define a “FOCUS” that relates to the systems context, therefore determining the “MAIN” function of the system.

While the nature of the topic of your thread is both highly commendable, valid for the function of freedom, but not a function of this system.

Because then there would be a multitude of threads singling out a multitude of human groups.
Such as…

  1. Discuss Heathstone(Satanist’s Only)
  2. Discuss Heathstone(Christian’s Only)
  3. Discuss Heathstone(Muslim’s Only)
  4. Discuss Heathstone(Mormon’s Only)
  5. Discuss Heathstone(Taoist’s Only)
  6. Discuss Heathstone(Buddhists Only)
  7. Discuss Heathstone(Odinist’s Only)
  8. Discuss Heathstone ( insert group here )

Are you getting the picture yet, @SolidShrimp

You seem to seek out controversial topics that incite strong human emotions that appear to contradict the togetherness to which you are implying. By creating blah,blah togetherness thread, you are actually creating division of this forum, and its community.

Is this sinking in yet? @SolidShrimp

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Alright todays the day, the final pillar. New thread topic :smiley:

Very true. I just enjoy calling this guy out on the choices this one decides upon as topics to his threads…
And I thought I was bad at creating threads on the forum like it was Facebook. :crazy_face:

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This man is a harrasser that refuses to see the truth, the TRUTH being that it was always a Hearthstone Muslim Togetherness Thread but the ORIGNAL topic was LGBT related which spiraled the thread out of control for a while. You can see my posts above begging people to get back on topic which were ignored for a while til people came in to talk about Islamic issues again.

Persistent, aren’t you?

I had an idea while posting in another thread…
@SolidShrimp To be clear I’m not trying to attack your beliefs, or anyone elses…
The idea I had was in mentioning of Computer Science, and I thought of a turing engine, which by the way, lead to the creation of the architecture of computers.
Alan Turing was the one also that broke the german Enigma code.
Anyways… say I posted a thread titled “Alan Turing and modern computers”.
Alan Turing was interested in men.
But if I posted a thread titled, “Alan Turing, homosexuality and computers”…
You could guess how that latter thread would go…
By mention of the latter takes away from the genius that was Alan Turing.
It is this singling out that takes away from your thread.