Hearthstone Mobile (Pixel 6a) freezes and crashes randomly

Hearthstone will randomly freeze, and eventually get a black screen (but with the audio still playing) and requires a hard restart to work again on mobile. How do I fix this?


Any word about this? My pixel is doing the same thing

I’m still getting the same thing after the most recent patch and can’t get it to work. Also pixel 6. It makes it unplayable as the screen goes black within a minute of booting it up.

Same problem here, been happening for over a week. Multiple reinstalls. Normal Hearthstone unplayable, Battlegrounds is better but still freezes and crashes throughout a game.


Our developers are currently aware of crashes occurring on Pixel 6 devices and working to resolve them as fast as possible.

Sadly we did not find any workarounds for this bug and thus players will need to play on a PC or another device until we can get it patched, which should be occurring soon.

Thank you.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Google Pixel 6/7] Hearthstone Collection Crashing on Mobile