Impressive work! Sadly, many bugs have been known for some time and reported, however, they still remain not fixed, so I would not keep my expectations high.
There’s also this: Mercenaries: Ysera's Verdant Breath is a problem
Irrefusable Deal is considered 2 abilities. (triggers effects such as Lokholar’s Frigid
Winds twice)
Well, if it’s a ‘discover an ability’ kind of thing, then it might as well be two abilities, technically speaking.
Yoink! and Moonlight Resolve! do not properly steal abilities that have been
modified by equipment (For example, Brann’s Summit Campfire
will always be 3 speed and give frost resistance if stolen by Tess, even if Brann is is
using Adventurer’s Backpack for shadow resistance).
I don’t think they should.