Hearthstone Mercenaries Bug Compilation - 25.4

Even a post on this forum can be made editable by everyone, but that’d probably be not a very good idea — some curated list is needed, as I also stated here earlier, because of all these duplicates and common misunderstandings or false positives.

By the way, making a post editable by some people is an option, apparently — so technically we could have a few volunteers keeping it up.

That said, a bugzilla does have some technical advantages — true, but it’s unclear for me whether it’d be worth the trouble for this particular purpose.

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I think that post is misunderstood. I made a playground for him just by making a new post lower down editable so he could mess around with it, but ultimately, anyone can still edit it.

So once you make a post editable, anyone can edit it and there’s no way to select who can and can’t edit it.

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Pity, otherwise we could have a few appointed curators to maintain the list, if we wanted to, in order to reduce the load on a single person to maintain it.


That would certainly help quite a bit. Right now the only way to ensure the integrity of the list while also allowing the community to assist that I can think of is to have anyone reporting something new submit video evidence of it, but I know that isn’t always convenient.

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We could make a B-version of the list that is editable, and make a social experiment of it. Maybe it’ll be too niche for saboteurs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

These are also a concern, but I was talking about amateurs, not saboteurs. The former (I just had to rhyme it, sorry :grinning: ) don’t necessarily mean ill, but the mess they tend to create, if you look at these forums, might make things very difficult.

With that said,

I’ve got absolutely nothing against this proposition, could even be fun.

Got a visitor task to do just that bounty, sadly, I messed it up and didn’t manage to reproduce the situation described (shouldn’t have summoned that poacher if I wanted to do it with bleeding). However, there’s another interesting observation: those ‘Drakonid Elites’ killed by bleeding at the end of turn are not resummoned by Nefarian (first phase), as they are supposed to, since, as I assume, his end-of-turn check is processed first, with him entering the board before the bleeding is applied… Seems consistent with the discussion about it having taken place here at some point.

Some more of my bug-testing notes… Nothing new in particular when it comes to the issues listed, but I think it’s still important to document them and write it all down, which I haven’t seen here.

  • Ysera’s Verdant Breath still bugged.

  • Nigtbane Templar has a wording issue similar to Garrosh mentioned above: she heals only friendly characters and not any characters attacked, despite her text.
    Makes sense in terms of mechanics, but it is an issue nonetheless (and erroneous descriptions of Brightwing’s abilities have been recognised as a bug before).

  • Ol’ Bwonsamdi has some more issues:

    1. Playing him causes some purple visual artefact on the left side of the board (a bugged animation).
    2. Bouncing back characters in PvE results in some cards being displayed in the opponents hand, even when it doesn’t make sense.
    3. Unlike other end-of-turn effects, the Deal of Fear seems to take precedence over Twilight Elder’s cursing, which doesn’t happen in this case.

[UPD] The ‘Murloc Scrabble’ treasure has the following text: ‘After a friendly Merc gains Taunt or Divine Shield, give them +3/+3.’ , stats depending on level. However, it also buffs minions, such as Kazakus’s taunt golems, which are not mercs.

[UPD 2] Another old one: the description of Stormpike Defender’s ‘Get Down!’ is wrong: it protects and gets the buff from a (selected) friendly character, other than the Defender herself, not all of them.


Another update:

Vanessa Vancleef Burgle Barrage not procing properly, Yulon Jadfire spear upgrades not taking into effect during boss rush. Prophet Velen tome of inspiration lists as new equipment indefinetely. I miss the voice acting which I guess they removed because it was bugging sometimes.

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Mutanus / Pearlescent Scales 2nd Equipment has Level 10 instead of 4 when Renown View is Off, and Renown upgrading starts at Level 10 and costs 10 Renown to upgrade.
Non-bugged Upgrade cost from level 10 to 11 is 20 Renown.

Ragnaros combo not working, unable to complete task 10.

i’ve got one for valeera for you to add to the list – ambush does not “appear” to be affected by any damage enhancement (spell damage) —> edit: it actually does get affected by spell damage, however, the text is fixed to show the base damage, and not the adjusted values

A few bugs I encountered to add to the list:


  • Bogged down treasure gives Boggy and other friendly characters the debuff too.

Lich King:

  • Kettle on the Coil doesn’t repeat on deathblow.


  • Checkmate treasure doesn’t do 120 damage when you have all 3. There seems to be an animation, but no damage.

The bug on Khadgar’s missions is (at least partly) fixed, mission 9 (give 70 atk or hp) can complete even if Hearthfire is upgraded with Bakin’ Bacon. I assume it’s the same with mission 14, but I don’t know if others mercs can help.

Kel’Thuzad’s blood surge equipment is badly bugged. If you have a minion on your side, usually the bomb from the mystery node, and then it switches to the opposing side, it will continue to get buffed even though it is no longer a friendly minion. Also, if you have Sylvanus on your team using mourneblade, your undead minions will randomly permanently lose attack equal to the mourneblade attack when they attack or are attacked. Curiously, if you have the improved mourneblade treasure, that extra attack is not lost.

It’s been a while since I did any systematic and thorough collecting and documenting of bugs, but I’ll leave a few here that haven’t been discussed widely yet, as far as I’m aware.

  1. I already reported a bug with Kresh a while ago, the turtle lord targeting himself with the ‘Turtle Down’ ability. Here’s video evidence of it present in the current patch (in Mythic, but abilities are the same there): https://youtu.be/Oztu29HSF34?t=1597

  2. After the big update with factions and so on (well, the final one), some bosses are broken. Namely:

  • Lord Banehollow and his fellows are missing their Legion faction, meaning that their abilities ‘Blitzing Legion’ and ‘Terror Charge’ don’t have their full effect, like they used to.
  • Captain Shivers no longer increases the speed of other Pirates (possible root cause: ‘Pirate’ is now a faction and not a minion type, and they forgot to change that).

Mostly tested in mythic, but should be the same for regular bosses. I might have missed something, but nothing comes to mind readily.

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Not sure if it has been noted already… but Ysera seems rather broken right now (specifically, her “emerald dream”). The only part of the ability that seems to work right is the summon, the other two do not seem to be working correctly at certain upgrade levels.

I was noticing some odd behavior from Ysera Awakens at rank 2/3 (it would do the listed damage to my own mercs, but only do something like 3 or 5 damage to enemies despite the listed damage, so I ranked it up to 4 to see if it maybe that was the problem Not only did it further break Ysera Awakens (it no longer does damage to anyone after being cast), Nightmare also stopped giving its damage boon (although I had not thoroughly tested it before this point, so it may have also been broken and I simply did not notice). It may fix itself at 5, but I do not have the coins to upgrade it and test that yet… Quite discouraging as it stands though.

To follow up the previous report: I have done a Banehollow run recently (actually, it was before the patch that has just hit), and he had the same aforementioned problem as in mythic, however, the old ‘zone unlocked’ bug has apparently been fixed.

Not sure if its still worth reporting anything in this mode… But I encountered this bugs in PvP:

Arfus - when Poisonous (given by Mr. Bigglesworth Ability 2) and using Equipment 3, then Deathrattle on death (not sure Mr. Bigglesworth Ability 3) will kill everything on board (despite the deathrattle Equipment actually not supposed to be doing any damage).
Mr. Bigglesworth - when Poisonous (given by Mr. Bigglesworth Ability 2) any damage deatl does not seem to trigger the Poisonous effect

Confirmed that on normal difficulty.

Can’t confirm that at level 5. Ysera’s Vengeance level 4 is broken (simply doesn’t work), though, as has been reported elsewhere.

I’ll also add this: [Mercenaries] Missing types or factions .

PS I have a feeling that I’m missing or forgetting something, but perhaps it’s not a big deal, especially considering this: