Hearthstone HAS to be suffering in revenue and player counts

Players spent 5 years asking for sensible balance changes, raging when they get stuff wrong only to be treated like idiots by the designers, disappointment when they fail to deliver on promises and give us fun experiences. Then blizzard employees start jumping ship, bad financial reports are coming out and high profile players stop playing the game as the player base shifts to other alternatives that are coming out, and NOW all of a sudden after all those years they want to start targeting actual problem cards and even BUFFING underpowered cards, giving out a lot of free cards and content. How bad does it have to be that they’re finally doing any of it? Seems way too little, way too late to me.


Don’t know what the purpose of this thread is.

But Ben Brode leaving should be a compelling explanation for the more active changes, since such a significant change in the development group will result in big changes.


Brode was the problem THE WHOLE TIME YOU GUYS

Yeah, okay.


I hate Blizzard for not doing good things.

I hate Blizzard for doing good things.

I feel it necessary to visit the forum of a game I have no faith in just to let them know these things.

Mmk, bro.


I’ve seen almost every single card get complaints.

“Players” are not a hive mind. There are too many different opinions going on simultaneously.


Who are you quoting? It just sounds like you have no real defense or argument and just want to say I’m the one that’s tripping.


“The end is coming! I knew it”


He was mocking you for fake quoting me. Do you think you are special or something?

We know you are just waiting for your self fulfilling prophecy of the games popularity decline after so many years so you can finally feel validated in your dissatisfaction with the game.


There’s nothing to defend or argue about when your post is just you dropping by to say that them doing good things is a BAD sign and nothing they do will matter to you.

Why even bother making the post, then?


Ultimately, any game that’s been around for 5+ years is probably going to be much more accurately described as “maintaining” as opposed to being in a growth state. Hearthstone peaked quite a while ago. Nothing grows forever.

In that sense, it’s much more like Magic the Gathering. Way back in the early 1990s, MtG was in its heyday of rapid growth. It was brand new. It was popular. It was the market leader of a brand new genre it created, and all it had to do was sit back and rake in the cash. But after a few years it stopped being the hot new thing, and settled into a maintenance mode of managing the market it had as opposed to trying to conquer new ones.

That’s not a sign of “suffering”. That’s just what happens when a successful product reaches its eventual market saturation and becomes a mature product as opposed to one that is still exploring its limits. Making anything more of it than that is just personal projection.


“They’re doing new things, which proves the game is failing” is just a weird take. Particularly given that we can see in real time how Blizzard deals with a failing game: just look at how Blizzard is currently handling Heroes of the Storm. That is what a game that’s “suffering in revenue” looks like. No competitive support (while HS got a whole new competitive system), lower rates of new content being released (while HS is still doing three full-sized expansions per year), and ladder changes to reduce queue times (haven’t seen any of this in HS yet).


They are down by 39 percent according to a source on reddit since last year.
And last year was a down year…

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The numbers for 2018 we’re still higher than 2016. The problem is that 2017 was an abnormally high year in terms of growth, so it skews the perception of playerbase size afterwards.


he knows your post history here an the old forums…his post is an accurate tl;dr of it


I’d have to agree OP, they made changes because something finally HAD to change.

I would’ve never ever EVERRRRRRR guessed they were gonna buff cards. When my good friend Schyla told me they were I blurted out BULLSHIIII because it was so hard to believe.

I do feel it took way to long for this positive change. But it’s a change I’m glad finally arrived.


I always knew doomsayer was right. He sounded so convinced.


“You don’t have the right to complain” and “we’ve seen this schtick before and we ain’t falling for it” are not the same thing.


One of my favorite lines in the game is Doomsayer’s attack line: “Did I miss it?”


I don’t see it that way at all. As long as a criticism is well thought out, logical, supported by actual evidence, and has a reasonable argument behind it then most people are more than willing to discuss its merits in a fair, even manner.

What people are less forgiving of are things like…

Emotion-based rants about personal pet-peeves…
Conspiracy theory level nonsense about imaginary persecutions…
Salt and vinegar about basic CCG mechanics…
Opinions about stuff like ‘value’ being talked about as if they were actual facts…
Obvious troll posts that bring up total nonsense…

Stuff like that. The vast majority of the negative commentary in this forum falls into the dumb latter category rather than the constructive former.


I can definitely see that. Constructive is definitely a keyword when it comes to the forum. It gets exhausting and annoying seeing the same negative doom and gloom repeatedly - I’d like to think I’ve a come a long away from that.

As for my response, I wasn’t referring to the forum - just society in general. I think that when folks appear to be dwelling too much on the negative without any logical explanation/reason for doing so - that is what makes people upset.

I think that a lot of posters use this as a place to rant (which is I very rarely create my own threads) because I do my best to respect the forum for what it is - a discussion forum.

You make a very good point Max. I was simply trying to empathize with OP and I see now I went too far.

I will remove the post as it contributes nothing and it is considered as offensive. Once again, I apologize and thank you for correcting me.