Have ya ever coined into dirty rat?

Juat windering who would do this on turn one, just had a warrior do this and pull kalecgos, so on turn two i thanked him and okayed tsunamai


I have had a warrior pull my 6/6.

I wouldn’t on anyone I thought ran high costs but I did cactus construct a 1/1 rat in play on 1 and play the 2/6 on two grabbing a buttons, was hoping for helya

If i’m doing a quest to play taunt/battlecry minions n i go 2nd n got a 2 cost minion in my hand, there’s a 50/50 chance i’ll coin into whatever my 2 cost in my hand might be. If i’m actually trying to play normally, i wouldn’t coin into Dirty Rat on turn 1 though. i’ll generally play Dirty Rat after i can guaranteed play a CC card in case Dirty Rat pulls out something i hadn’t wanted to get pulled out.

I recently played a card that allowed them to play anything and only lose health, on the 1st round. Needless to say I’ll never do it again.

Only if I absolutely know it’s an aggro deck.

So in wild they play a pirate and patches comes out. Rat might be a good play, especially if you have another 2 mana in hand to play.

Love that card, but yeah def not a round 1 card unless you just got a daily to play like 3 games as Warlock n wanna power through it quickly

Rare · Spell · TITANS · Enemy minions cost Health instead of Mana next turn.

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This is the reason Chaotic Tendrils is bad… definitely only this card

Funny how Controltards depend so much on this card and they dont even know how to use it.

Depends on the matchup. But, more often than I probably should.

I feel like it is rare but there are some scenarios where it is correct. Vs spell mage or Palidan it seems like a decent play if you have the curve to back it up for example

In the current meta there’s a good chance it’s the correct play. There’s only a couple deck/classes i would think twice about doing it to.

I would never bother to rat this early on someone who might be playing a high-cost minion deck or a rogue (yay shadowstep/breakdance). Against something like a DK, it might be worth it if you can hopefully snag Helya and ruin their plans. Rat really is only a good play if you have an immediate answer to anything that might come out.

Nah man, rat on a DK always gets either maw and paw or their titan out

In my defense it was just a Brawl or something, but it went worse than my wildest imagination. The opponent had yogg and renos or whatnot.

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Every time I dirty rat early I screw myself over


i have had it work well before but that was like a year or more ago. i used to dirty rat on 2 sometime and it worked for some reason lol like pulled out battlecry minions that were fearsome that i cleaned up the next turn.

I think OP may have encountered me lol. It was my only playable thing in my hand at all for quite a while, and of course I brought out something stupid unpredictable and game ending right away. lol. I removed it from my Brann Reno Warrior deck and put in a better taunt minion instead. No more auto losing the match right away because of that card. Every other time Ive ever played it nothing was in their hands to pull out… and the one time there was… I brought out Godzilla it seemed. Never again.

There was a meta where this was viable at some point, can’t say which one exactly as it has been a long time. But there was a combo deck that was oppressive enough that it was worth risking it ASAP.

If I ever have the result wasn’t memorable enough for me to remember, and I have a very good memory.