Has Glide Broken the Game Yet?

A Demon Hunter used Glide against me when I was playing Zoolock with nearly a full hand. After that, I just discarded another Hand of Gul’dan and won.

Yes it broke DH. Now they don’t win.


But considering how fast DH empties its hand, it may be good. If their hand is empty and they play this, they get 4 cards and also disrupt the opponents hand.

except they are playing the 2 drop for 2 mana instead that draws them 3 cards at end of every turn. seems like a better deal than a one time 4 mana draw 4


In aggro meta its trash. In control meta its bloody OP

It only draws three cards if your hand is empty, and as a 1/3 it’s unlikely to stick around much longer than a turn.

infact glide has made me win games lol when fighting DH lol… made me draw apotheosis ftw.

the DH that got rank 1 legend last night played 22 cards that cost 2 mana or less

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I saw it, but It was after my big Scrap Imp-Hand Dump turn and was drawn off of Double Jump.

its going to be a thing if kael’thas stays and druid laughs at everyone

Day2 of expansion:
I dun nut seen iz nurfd yeet

It’s day 2. Give people time to experiment.
No1 saw Magtheredon+Cycle as a board destroyer and you get a 12/12 and a side of 3/3s

Day 1 the meta seemed extremely fast, making Glide a lot less useful as it could often help the opponent.

I thought it was a strong effect, but the meta needs to slow down a bit before it can really shine.

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Im sure when the bats come out things could slow down.

Thing is right now, the best meta decks just kind of vomit their hands or don’t run a lot of draw anyways (Pure Paladin is the biggest example of both I can think off), so Glide is often helping them more then anything.

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If Glide is ok then Divine Favor needs to return to standard

Right now it’s weak because it’s mostly a race between aggro and Druid nonsense each game.

Yeah I think Glide just ends up being a replacement for Skull in more aggressive DH decks. In general I think people are super overestimating that disruption effect. You still have 5 cards from your deck at the end, it’s not like you’re crippled.

To answer your question, I’ve had Glide played on me one time, and it was beneficial to me.

glide is only good in a control meta, in an aggro meta you are just refilling your opponents hand.

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Glide hasn’t broken the game, and I don’t expect it to, but it’s very early in the release. I still think Glide is a very powerful card. I did see it used against me while I was playing a Burn Shaman and it tossed away a very solid hand. It basically took any chance I had of turning the game around away from me. Just because Glide didn’t break the game on Day 1 doesn’t mean it isn’t a strong card.

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The meta is so fast priest is even zoo. Glides time will come.

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I think it may have. I’m seeing the blue screen of death as we speak.