Hard counter to the meta

– Edit/Update –
I’m pretty sure this is a hard counter to the meta now. Warriors, hunters and Paladins basically unfavored to massively unfavored against this deck.

If you have the time you can probably run this deck to top 100 pretty easily before it becomes mainstream. Your welcome :slight_smile:

Once it becomes the meta breaker this deck will be targeted with things like excavate rogue, etc. but it will still be an amazing deck.

Afaict, the meta right now is t1 token hunter, showdown Paladin, and Reno warrior.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but this is all I’ve seen on the climb to legend.

I’m currently on vacation and would normally flesh this out myself, but lack the time.

I believe the hard counter to these three decks is fatigue control Warlock. The mu is very favorable vs hunter and paladin of nearly any form, and it’s slightly worse winrate vs Reno warrior than the aggro fatigue Warlock (which is a very favorable matchup with correct use of fizzle.)

I’m going 12-0 so far against all the above decks, and wondering if perhaps I’m on a streak or if this is the real deal.

If your interested to see if this is a hard counter, please run this deck and let me know your experience.

Fatigue Warlock

Class: Warlock

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (1) Felstring Harp

2x (1) Fracking

2x (1) Void Virtuoso

2x (2) Baritone Imp

2x (2) Crescendo

2x (2) Defile

2x (2) Elementium Geode

2x (3) Encroaching Insanity

2x (3) Furnace Fuel

2x (3) Mortal Eradication

1x (3) Photographer Fizzle

2x (4) Crazed Conductor

1x (4) Pop’gar the Putrid

1x (5) Symphony of Sins

1x (6) Doomkin

1x (9) Sargeras, the Destroyer

2x (10) Table Flip

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (5) Perfect Module

1x (5) Ticking Module


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I also see a lot of druids today, and some rogues, although a bit less than previous days

Your list literally differs from Insanity lock by 2 cards. Not sure you can call that control xD

I’d say you’re on a roll. It’s a very streaky deck which depends a lot on if you draw your crescendos in time, especially against aggro matchups

It does counter Warriors, even more so than sludgelock, but I think it ends there

I’ve played 12 games of it, started great and then I saw the other side of the deck xD

Makiahtime, same thing, although he’s chronically highrolling for 4 days now, so it’s not really a good example

Anyway, highroll or not, keep playing if you enjoy the deck. By the time you start lowrolling, you’ll have learned the deck enough to make it tier 1 for you

Tl;dr This is control deck, the insanity Warlock you refer to is basically an aggro deck targeting warriors.

My deck is a complete rework of insanity lock, the only thing in common this deck and that has is the use of fatigue cards, heal cards and popgar. I’m literally running sarge, that should give you a clear indication it’s a control deck :stuck_out_tongue:

The typical insanity deck is built to destroy warriors but instantly dies to hunters and Paladins. This deck destroys warriors with slightly less efficiency but absolutely crushes hunters and Paladins as well. Don’t believe me? Try it.

And it’s also not streaky, did you see how much draw this deck has? That’s on purpose to consistently activate fizzle in the warrior mu.

It has the exact same amount of draws as Sunq’s insanitylock

You did put in 4 aoe removals, so yeah, i guess it’s true you can call it control

I don’t like the deck playstyle, but if you keep winning and tell me you’re top 100, you can be sure I’ll jump on that train :smiley:

So good luck!

EDIT: actually, you have 1 LESS draw than sunq’s insanitylock xD He runs the tutor for Encroaching Madness, sketch artist

Give it a try!

I tried sketch artist, but funny enough it’s too slow a card. Also my deck runs loads of shadow clear spells, so it’s not a tutor. Furthermore, you typically don’t want encroaching madness early vs any matchup except possibly Paladin (since you might need big crescendos.) this is true of my deck, not the original aggro Insanity sunq deck.

The boom kin I include as an amazing way to shut down warriors, and because this deck is so heavy on heal plus aoe you can afford to play boom kin on turn 7 in aggro mu, since you can then go sarge next turn and have complete control of the game after that (assuming turn 7 is a weak board, so you can ignore and play doom kin, this means you have to clear the board hard turn 6 so they have to rebuild.)

In any case, this deck really feels like one of the few I played in this meta that has player agency. The meta before this, the only deck I felt had player agency was wheel Warlock.

Umm, sarge is one card in the whole deck, how do you count on having that combo every time?

Anyway, don’t care, as I said, I want results xD

Report here when you hit rank 99 or better and I’ll copy the deck and I’ll even tell others you made it

As it stands, there are a couple of tier 1 decks I know I can do that with, but are too boring for me to play them

Your deck looks more interesting, but I’m already too high elo to experiment now, so I’m leaving that part to you

I believe in you bro <3

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Oh you don’t, it’s just that sarge and doomkin are dead draws in aggro mu much of the time, what I outlined above is a way to actually use these cards in aggro mu effectively, which is very rare, since it requires a very specific set up (hard clear turn 6, hope opponent doesn’t create a threatening board turn 7, boom kin, then they can try to set up a really threatening board, then you sarge).

The reason the above works in aggro mu in this deck is cause of all the clear and heal available.

Lol fair point, I’ll see if I have time to grind. Part of the reason I posted here was to inspire other’s to try it to get more data on this, but we will see if there’s interest.

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You can forget about it, as a combo deck, it’s unattractive to most people

Even the aggro, easier version to play, doesn’t have enough of a sample size to be reported on VS and streamers playing it keep telling people to not play it because it’s hard

I would try it on asia, but I have 280 dust and no cards

Learning a new deck in top 200 is a painful experience which I’d rather not go through with

At least with other tier 1 decks which see a lot of play I can learn how to pilot them from playing against them

Your version I’ve never seen

I’ll give it a go, I like yellow’s decks when i try em and i like contorl/combo

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Yea I get it. I’m still learning the deck now and am thinking of possible adjustments to the deck.

As is, I find the deck incredibly fun to play, it’s very much like a rollercoaster you play fast and loose with your health total, dropping to single digits sometimes then healing to full, etc.

Also requires precise calculations, but it feels like a deck that has no bad mu lol. At least none I’ve run into yet.

It’s something of a mix between a burn deck, control deck and a otk deck which you can decide on depending on what cards you draw. The nice thing about this deck is it’s designed to both give you enough time to draw many cards as well as has a lot of draw.

my thoughts so far after two games is that youdefinitely wanna fizzle the encroaching’s and crescendos if ya can

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How does this deck beat Reno Warrior? Reno Warrior is everywhere. Between Reno Warrior/Flood Paladin/Hunter, those have been 50% of my matchups.

There are roughly two main ways to beat Reno warrior.

Option 1. Hard Mulligan for doom kin. This works much the same as in wheel lock, doom kin the warrior sets their curve back by one mana and completely screws up the main play they have, which is Brann into zillax or Reno into the resummon zillax.

Option 2. This is the more consistent option and it requires your prioritize draw and keep drawing until you hit fizzle. While you draw you should be using your fatigue cards other than crescendo and insanity to pressure the warrior so they have to keep clearing. Once you have fizzle your set up a turn where you have popgar in hand plus insanity, you fizzle then wait a turn, then you pop off your crescendos plus popgar after insanity. If warrior survives you repeat with fizzle snapshot for more damage. Basically you can do easily 30 plus damage from hand two turns in a row. Crescendos and insanity are your major damage dealers.

But most of the time you don’t need option 2 if you get doom kin in play early enough.

Option 1 and option 2 synergize in that if you draw a lot you will hit doom kin fast. Also the mana ramp activates the final otk X2 combo with fizzle one turn faster which is huge.

Also use sarge as a tempo play (infernos) or to destroy zillax without them resummoning.

So far I’ve lost to warrior once who had a perfect curve and have destroyed over ten to fifteen warriors.

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Hard counter to the meta is to not play it, numbers dip and the smooth brains that run it will have to make adjustments.

Until then Brann reigns supreme.

This deck is insanely good, I believe I’m approaching a 80 to 90 percent winrate over a significant number of games.

I thought decks like hybrid druid would be a problem, but it’s a fairly even matchup if not even favorable. I even had the fastest win I’ve had since maybe 2 years ago where I killed a druid t5.

It just farms hunters, warriors and Paladins.

Lol wut? Are you playing a new server with 3-4 stars? I don’t get it

No I’m just playing low tier diamond 2 at the moment.

What do you mean low tier diamond 2? Aren’t you a top 500 player?

How many stars do you have?

Top 500 player? I mean I mess around too much to really care about my rank. If I try hard I can probably get top 100, but I don’t find the mechanics of this game interesting enough to keep me engaged long enough for a grind.

You will usually find me anywhere on the ladder 10k legend, to top 100. Sometimes you will find me top 100 on both wild and standard :slight_smile: actually that happened only once, lol.

I’m all about adapting decks and finding sleepers, that’s where the fun of the game is for me.

I made this post mostly to share my latest sleeper, and I think it’s probably one of the strongest ones I’ve ever found. Maybe I’m wrong, but my experience over 50 games or so indicate otherwise.

I have no idea how many stars I started with, but I definitely didn’t finish strong last month as I was in top legend right before the reset around 300, then the reset caused me to experiment and go far far away from there lol.

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It’s cool, but if you hit top 100 once, it means you’re too good to be playing in dumpster legend, so your dumpster legend stats are meaningless to me

I can literally farm mid legend to 1k legend with highlander alexstrasza sif mage and I absolutely hate control reno decks and mage is the worst class in the game at the moment

But your deck is definitely good, since it runs the complete insanitylock package and the deck is insanely good (pun intended)

EDIT: Lol dude, I just saw a rank 144 on NA rock your version of the deck xD He played one mortal eradication to show that and then died

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