Hall of Fame or Shame Candidate - Objection

The community would benefit to seeing certain cards hall of famed or nerfed substantially. Objection straight up needs removed from the game. One of the most unfun cards ever created. And while your at it please nerf cycle rogue in wild.

There are cards I would love to see in HoF, but a boring basic mage secret hardly makes the list.

Are you not understanding that you can work around mage secrets? That mage players usually have a target for the card, like turn four Helya when facing dk?

HoF - all main quests and renathal. .

All the suggestions in these kinds of topics are just weaknesses for the decks each poster likes to play.

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How do you figure? I Play all different kids of things.

Many of the truly degenerate play patterns in wild are because of quests, shutting down whole swaths of the card collection. It would really open up the game if you could totally target aggro instead of worrying about every third game is a hard loss to a quest that gives a finite timeline to the game.

Even if they just rotate them out for a year, that would really make wild more fun.

All the suggestions that these posts are weaknesses are just people who are abusing degenerate crap in wild trying to save their only means of being successful in a ranked format.

See? I can make a biased blanket statement to invalidate discussion, too!

It’s not helpful, though.

It’s already out of Standard. There is nothing to HoF. It’s not at the level of Busted OP that it even needs to be considered for nerfs.


shadowstep needs to go to wild for a year

i want to see rogue without it for once

it limits the design space too much

I can get behind that, Shadowstep made so many OP combos possible it deserves some rest…

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So basically you tried to play your sole win condition n it got cancelled by your mage opponent for an offensive tweet it made 10 years ago.

Can you have anything constructive to contribute or you just jump into every thread just to troll for shizzle and giggle?

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all those are on wild already …

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Wouldnt HoF shadowstep be more reasonable? Card has been absurd for 10 years. And theres breakdance too.

So is Objection. I’m pretty sure the discussion is around Wild, not standard. But I might be wrong :slight_smile:

hall of fame was rotating cards from standard to wild

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Wasting 3 for a counter that can be easily played around, yet people still can’t manage to do so. Just admit you’re a bad player rather than trying to justify your ridiculous notion.

In MTG, Objection would cost at most 2 and could be played whenever you choose, without giving the opponent the advantage of choice. You are just bad.

ok. so OP should have phrased it “banned” instead of Hall of famed. I still managed to understand the intention of the post.


Can be easily played around? All you need to do is have one for late game and the opponent will likely not have a chance to play a small minion before playing their must play card such as zilliax to heal. You cant even put a secret eater in your E.T.C. Objection takes care of that as well. Completely unfun card. Three mana card wins you the game because opponent has no reasonable way to counter it. The only other option would be to make the cards that deal with secrets tradable.

Objection is powerful. No doubt about it.
A counterspell for minions.
Sorry you lost to it.
I know what it feels like to lose to something you feel gave you no chance.
Objection is hardly the worst card out there that creates those feelings, though.


It’s on my top ten list due to the power it has in certain situations at just three mana. The refresh hero power dragon is on the list too. With reno mana refresh you just win the game.

You can play around it. I love the card personally, and I face mirror matches every day.
If you do not test for it, then you will pay a price.

Late game you often do not have that luxury. You have to play a card to clear/heal ect but you cannot because of a three mana card.