and the meta is so boring, literally just 3 heroes played, druid warlock and dk i havent seen anything else at all, think i’m going to take another break now
There is currently 8 competitive classes with around 3,33 viable decks each, which makes for about 27 competitive decks.
Probably more.
if they were viable you would see other then druid warlock and dk
How many games did you play?
It’s just RNG.
Yesterday I played against 7 paladins in a row, today 0 toal
I’m not sure how people play Pirate Demon Hunter so confidently. I played a few games with it and it seemed powerful to me and I won a few but it seems so frustrating at how unstable it is if you don’t get good draws for 3-4 rounds at the start.
Maybe I’m spoiled with handbuff paladin not caring that much about how it draws but I can’t stand how some decks are a) powerful to the point of unbeatable when they draw very well b) they just die if they drew badly for 3 rounds.
Handbuff Pally is Hearthstone with the training wheels on.
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I play like one game a week now, and the game I played, I was playing wheel lock vs hand buff pally.
I clear nearly every board every turn, get to the point of finally addressing nearly every threat they have. I end turn 9 or maybe 8 with a full board plus a 9/9 taunt, but I chose not to clear a 2/4 mech since I’m sitting at 27 health, seems okay right?
Well, turns out no, not okay. Guy plays tailor then 2 windfury mech magnetize x2, suddenly the thing is 16/18 windfury. I’m still okay cause the 9/9 taunt. Oh but wait, they have a 9 attack rush minion for 2 mana.
Hits for 32 damage all nearly from hand clearing a massive taunt.
Great game Blizzard. What’s the lesson here? Leave nothing on board, ever? Jesus Christ.
I mean, that’s the first rule when playing against ANY paladin, EVER xD
If only it were that easy or simple…for instance, 1 mana 1/1 divine shield taunt played turn 1. How is someone with no board going to do 2 instances of damage to clear it with 1 mana? (or waste their coin, and even then…) The answer is, they don’t. And that is only the beginning example, it only gets worse and more difficult from there.
Insightful and precise.
Blizzard developers should pay attention.
1/1 shield is good on flood paladin, not so good on others. sometimes an 1/1 shield can also save other cards but that’s a truth for all decks not just paladin.