Hacking Hearthstone?

This is an example of hacking.


I think hacking is kind of an abused term it can mean anything the speaker wants it to.

I would define hacking as

  1. Modifying or reading memory of the game client to gain an advantage that would be otherwise impossible to gain.


  1. Gaining access to the server and establishing a means to gain unfair advantage, typically by theft or malicious code injection.

The vast majority of hacking is of type 1 because it just requires modification of the game client. Type 2 hacking is much more difficult and requires the hacker to circumvent any security Blizzard has in place to prevent this.

Although type 2 hacking is not unheard of in games it is far rarer as it usually carries far more legal ramifications if caught as well as generally being a lot harder.

Typically you see type 2 hacking only when money is involved, say like crypto exchanges back when crypto was a thing. There needs to be a big enough payoff to motivate the people with enough skill to get the job done.