Hacking Hearthstone?

Reporting a player. Hacking is an option, under cheating. I must be ignorant and so I wonder…

… In regard to Hearthstone, what does this hacking option mean?

I believe that only happens when someone spectating someone through twitch. Like gaining packs without needing gold or using third party resources to get free cards. We really don’t know unless we have video proof and evidence of the issue.

Who knows if someone just bought packs.

Animation cheating is probably the most prominent version of hacking that I’ve seen mentioned.

But it is also good to keep in mind that the reporting options were chosen to match what the designers thought players would want to report, not necessarily matching what they typically take action on:

So, Hacking probably ends up collecting complaints not only from players who see the quite limited instances of actual hacking, but also for example from those who see an interaction they don’t understand, or who encounter a bug and assume it was caused by their opponent instead.

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Only people I knew who were hackers was AcidBurn and Zer0C00L

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This is an example of hacking.


I think hacking is kind of an abused term it can mean anything the speaker wants it to.

I would define hacking as

  1. Modifying or reading memory of the game client to gain an advantage that would be otherwise impossible to gain.


  1. Gaining access to the server and establishing a means to gain unfair advantage, typically by theft or malicious code injection.

The vast majority of hacking is of type 1 because it just requires modification of the game client. Type 2 hacking is much more difficult and requires the hacker to circumvent any security Blizzard has in place to prevent this.

Although type 2 hacking is not unheard of in games it is far rarer as it usually carries far more legal ramifications if caught as well as generally being a lot harder.

Typically you see type 2 hacking only when money is involved, say like crypto exchanges back when crypto was a thing. There needs to be a big enough payoff to motivate the people with enough skill to get the job done.

ALL OF THESE ARE TRUE & I personally Witnessed this! A friend of mine took me to someone’s house who was “Hired by hearthstone” to do development of new cards or something of that nature- And they used code to make themselves powerful cards and to give them infinite copies while playing other players! BLIZZARD SHOULD BE LOOKING INTO THIS! Because it cheating your $$$ paying $ playing customers!!! And YOU SHOULD BE COMPENSATING THE PLAYERS WHOVE BEEN CHEATED BY THESE JERKS YOU HIRED!!!

Thank you, yellow. I have heard of this before, but didn’t realize it can be called hacking. I’ve had this happen to me only once in standard versus a Miracle Priest. People didn’t believe me at the time. Crazy stuff.

The primary purpose of the reporting feature is to give a placebo to Karens so they hopefully don’t create name and shame threads. Reports are not taken seriously, nor should they be.

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Believe what Scrotie says. He knows some people, that know some people.

Ooooh, that clears things up…

I’ve just been reporting anyone that uses an edged weapon.