Guys, please give Bliz more constructive criticism

I used to like Ranked, and I still have hopes for it. It just isn’t in a state I want to play anymore, let alone invest any time/money into. I do pay attention to the meta, the upcoming content hoping it will get better, but it needs more than just new expansions to make me come back. Hoping this upcoming rotation has a huge list of things to come.

A fair point. I think the fun is in trying to lasso the RNG into your favor, but it is pretty frustrating these days, too.

They added blizzbots to bg’s, I have yet to see anyone complain about a blizzbot in bg’s

Did they? I must have missed the announcement.

Yea they announced it perhaps a month ago.

Maybe I forgot? Idk.

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I hate to break it to you, but unfortunately, most of the players who use theses’ forums have a limited vocabulary which seems to includes such words as “trash, devs suck, game is trash” all of who claim they can make a better game, yet none of them have managed to do so to date.

It makes the forums very difficult for genuine actual feedback, however, at the same time, Blizzard doesn’t do much to actually improve this with respect to their forums. They can, but they don’t, and thus, here we are, sifting through all the toxic posts written in subjective rants without underlying reasoning that offer solutions to the problem.

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Ah, yes. The age old “if you can do it better, why don’t you” response.

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blizzard does not deserve constructive criticism, it deserves a strong and united reaction, including a legal one, which investigates the hidden mechanics of the game such as unfair matchmaking and the RNG based on how much you spend in real money, everyone knows that it is like this but no developer has ever had the courage to tell how things really are, also because if we found out I imagine what would happen on a global level

The mechanics of card theft are illegal because legally the cards are our property (since you buy them or you spent X amount of playing time to get them). The mechanic that the opponent can touch our hand/deck/cards must be deleted and players who play with the mechanic are permanently banned.

you talk too much op.
use tldr

You might want to read that end user license agreement again chief. You don’t own any Hearthstone cards.


You had a game where he had the same contract, you know what? they were condemned because from the moment you buy (in real money or game time) it belongs to you.

Blizzard sells card packs in store as soon as you buy them, all cards obtained are your property.

The contracts? you have some who don’t follow the law and you have already had companies condemned because of fraudulent contracts

Are you one of those sovereign citizen types?


I just have a question?

Is what Blizzard sells in store for sale or rental?

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Per the EULA, because heaven forbid you ever look up something yourself

Your use of the Platform is licensed, not sold, to you, and you hereby acknowledge that no title or ownership with respect to the Platform or the Games is being transferred or assigned and this Agreement should not be construed as a sale of any rights.

The only person who owns any Hearthstone cards is Blizzard. You don’t.

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You don’t even know what you’re talking about, what you quote explains that you don’t have the right to open a private server without an agreement or other derivative product on the Lore of the game.

I’ll stop replying to you, I saw your low level of understanding.

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Exactly the Devs don’t read the forums, just look at Diablo 4, for weeks the players complained, no response from Blizzard, the players left the game. Blizzard only started to react (in panic mode) when the server was very low on players.

For Hearthstone, as long as the money is coming in, they think the players are happy with the game.

They are disconnected from reality.