Got an Aggro Deck?

Hit a wall in gold ranks. Egg Hunter isn’t cutting it anymore. All of these “buff undead to a million damage” DKs seem impossible to beat.

So sick of them and that god forsaken abomination, Cold Feet.

I am only in it for the rewards. I prefer Hunter but will play anything.

I don’t have any dust but I’m willing to disenchant if it will help me climb.

I’d try Zarimi priest if you have the cards or dust for it. It’s an easy deck to play and I enjoy the quick games.

Pirate DH and Pirate Shaman look interesting as well, but I haven’t played either those decks since I don’t have patches

Well, the fastest most broken deck right now is Big Spell Mage.

I’m playing that deck right now. It’s a fun deck because it also uses the Evolution mechanic.


^This: the new mage is the newest good fast (“aggro”) netdeck.

If you actually need the FASTEST get a pain lock netdeck.

But it’s only faster by a fraction of a minute on average.

Evolve shaman is not the pirate shaman. It’s a much slower and complex deck.

It’s VERY BAD right now in some rank brackets because too much aggro.

Evolution and Pirates are almost the same deck. One may have the Muck Pool, the other may have the Horn weapon but almost every version runs Wave of Nostalgia.

SOME versions of pirate run only 1X nostalgia “just in case”. It’s a highroll condition to them; they are often lower win rate than other pirate shamans; the default pirate shaman does not require it in the deck. The average play time of the pirate deck is TWO MINUTES faster than Evolve because evolving is not the main win condition.

These look more like my playstyle, thank you!

Currently, I eat BSM for breakfast. First, minions above 2 health will survive and soak up damage. If I can draw my buffs, it’s game over for them.

Secondly, they do not do anything to protect their board. They are so desperate to get them on board that they don’t drop a fat taunt first. (Yes, it’s one less elemental) BUT, when I have King Plush or King Mukla in hand for 5 and 2 mana respectively…

King Mukla + Always a Bigger Jormungur is usually enough for lethal. It’s not as strong (for me) as folks think. Either that or I’ve been running into bad pilots.

I’m not opposed to trying this out - thank you!

Eh, I like a little more agency over my minions. Sometimes, they can whiff pretty hard. Like this Warrior (maybe it was paladin) that dropped a Saronite Tolvir (each time this takes damage, draw a card) and I dropped a King Mukla, filling their hand with Bananas. And then used all my smaller minions to hit the Tolvir. And cackled while I watched their cards burn. It was honestly glorious.

I don’t mind slower matchups but a steady diet of them is soul crushing.

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