Got a Botter for ya... Links added as they come

So this is has definitely become an issue since the launch of the new reward system. Odd Warrior, the reason they pick the warrior class is because it’s the class that will last the longest due to accumulative armor. Obviously this is cheating.

While there are some that will argue that botting is completely justified, it’s not, it is cheating and it negatively impacts the integrity of the game and the experience of players who legitimately play the game as designed.

Here’s the link’s to each botter that I have come across since this post was created. 45 mins long - 03-30 05-26 05/27
(the latest one I added, the bot played 1 card, and used hero power for the rest) 05/27 06/16

United in Stormwind Aug 5th in Standard Aug 12th Standard

Standard July 30th 2022

So it seems that whatever bot program is being used to do this, they can adjust the repose time for their round.

This bot program can also put cards on the board. This link is of a player using this program on a DH. Every single minion they played was a Taunt. The total match time was 32 min and 8 seconds.

There was also a pattern in how the cards were being touched. The pattern would go, touches the card twice from the right to all the way to left, however, the left most card would be touched once and then a pause, then hero power would be touched.

It would be nice if Blizzard were to implement an ingame reporting system.

The match was about 15 minutes. My total time was just under 5, while Sakuse25 was over 10 mins and did not play a single minion.

May 10th

It seems that botting is more of an issue in Wild than in standard. After playing standard since the expansion, I’ve started to play wild again and I forgot how annoying it is to run into cheaters that abuse the system diminishing the experience of others. I am going to continue to update this post as I come across these players that bot.

if they banned botters and afkers youd have no one to be matched with lol this game is a deserted land…

That’s what you think. They have banned plenty of botters. Do you research and you will this to be true.

Naming and shaming is against the Code of Conduct. Report suspected cheaters/botters at

Thank you for that e-mail. :slight_smile: