Finally a GOOD shaman card. took a break and came back to see 2 on top of the ladder.
The aoe is a lifesaver, but doesn’t fit in aggro(positive). the deal 20 is also great vs the big guys. there’s always some overload. well done finally team.
Its pretty insane for biolum shaman. Between this, flowriders, prescience the combo is pretty easy to complete, not to mention it acts as an aoe / stall that shaman was sort of missing.
Disclaimer, I haven’t played Shaman much since Jades and White Eyes rotated out, so it’s tough for me to judge basically any Shaman card. Just speaking for myself.
Basic text: you can play this and cast a spell in the same turn thanks to that ability. It’s a slightly stronger, less permanent Love Everlasting. Actually, this card seems like astonishingly good tempo. Implicit support for Overload shaman is really cool.
Shargahn’s Wrath: No spells in hand to get get that discount effect? No problem. Draw some spells and cast one for free the turn you play Golganneth. Insanely good. Also grabs minions like Novice Zapper.
Roaring Oceans: Note that this hits the enemy face, too. Lovely health and board swing for if you’re playing this from behind.
Lord of Skies: For when you REALLY want to kill Fanottem or 2/3 of The Ancient One. I wonder if we’ll see a truly massive minion in this set, to justify making it 20 damage. Surprised this isn’t just “destroy a minion” with that number…
Overall seems really fun and versatile, and doesn’t have a horrible cost like so many other Shaman legendaries. I hope it’s good!
Well the 20, only is for minions, so unless they have the card that deals dmg to face after minion take dmg it wont do much for that. but the aoe is so welcomed. and draw potential 3 is really nice, but you can do a 10 mana combo of this + the summon 4, since its 3 mana cheaper.
edit, as we all know, mana cheat is great and here to stay.
You just know there’s some Criminal Lineup combo waiting to happen with this guy. Play out Inzah and Jazz Bass beforehand, then go to town with Golganneth copies. Compelling alternative to the JIVE, INSECT win condition.
EDIT: Actually, you wouldn’t even need Jazz Bass. Just Inzah and 10 mana, that would make Criminal Lineup cost 4 if Golganneth comes down, right? Not an OTK but still pretty funny.
This card is magnificent.
Really glad they want to push the "Control’ shaman archetype.
The Aura in its own will probably be a combo enabler in some way.
I love the excessive damage on “Lord of the skies” big decks be wary xd
Draw 3 Overload will probably partake in the combo enabling as well , also it will be a very good standalone effect on many situations.
Plus a board clear with healing … just amazing!
Almost feels like what i was expecting of the warrior Titan … a control BEAST
5/5 card on every scale
Beautiful. In every way.
And to top it off its only 6 mana. So you can play this on turn 6 AND play a cheap spell with it, if you even have to.
Roaring Oceans feels like the go to ability 90% of the time, with Sharghans Wrath for if your opponent doesnt have a board.
Top 3 Titan of the set, might be the best one so far.
Hmm. Now all we need is some good overload cards to make use of this. Combo potential is great if this survives for a turn.
This biggest thing is that this gives us a mid game AoE. 3 damage is a joke for 6 mana, but it is what it is.
With the discount its 6 damage if you have a lightning storm in hand (as the cost reduction will reduce lightning storm to 0 if I’m reading the titan right)
Also if this survives pack the house is only 4 mana ( 3 with discount) the following turn… So you can actually play the titan and pack the house on turn 9 or 10 depending
Just think of it though…
Inzah on 5.
Golganneth on 6.
Jive Insect, coin, criminal line up on 7.
Its only the first spell. It would absolutely be broken of it was every spell lol. Can still be set up with weapon relatively easily
Rbr, you don’t see it? Jive insect will cost 1, criminal line up will cost 7. That’s 8 mana. You can do that with coin, no bass needed.
Yep your right , wasnt thinking of the inzah discount on criminal lineup
I don’t know why you guys try so hard to pull off this criminal linup combo. It still would be pretty bad deck. Unless they get really amazing support next exp.
This slots super nicely into evolve shaman though. Great for control, heal. Will greatly improve hunter and paladin mus.
Unfortunately it requires you to actually put that terrible card Inzah into your deck. Turn 5 do nothing is an absolute terrible play.
this card will indeed do nada for the ones with the otk dream.
i don’t suffer from that.
but i run 2x commands, jive and 2x pack the house, 1-2 storms, so this card makes sure i have a pack or command to follow up with. and i can replace one storm for it.
This is really good and very versatile. I can’t wait to see what shenanigans get up to with this!