Get ready for plague DK!(Trump reveals)

im going to craft that legendary if i dont pull it these plagues deal damage to opponent and heal you(blood) increase their mana cost ( frost ) or summon a 2/2 for you

and the legendary shuffles them into the decka fter cast when drawn for the rest of the game !!!

Yeah nah, taking one of the most annoying classes to play against and giving them an annoying mechanic is just not fun.

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blood dk is boring but this a frost +unholy deck and loved trump sugestion to use the neutral legendary hero power to make everthing thats not a plague to the bottom of their decks

Helya and the payoff cards make this 100% worth it. Heck, I might just run Helya in a deck without the rest of the Plague package

Helya’s unending plagues effect so reminds me of hakkar’s cursed blood. Control decks are going to be running steam cleaner left right and center from now on. Probably even two copies hard run rather than just one copy in ETC if this takes off. There are other shuffle effects in the game that steamcleaner is good against too. Rivendare warrider, son of hodir this exapansion, and fizzle’s snapshots are a few just off the top of my head. The analogy to bomb warrior is a good one, because that’s very much what this is. Except that bomb warrior wasn’t that terribly popular after the initial expansion it released in came to a close. This is a death knight deck, and you know how much people LOVE to play death knight. This stupid deck is gonna be everywhere.

I actually kinda wanna try this out myself tbh. I loved hakkar back in rastakhan. It was one of my favorite cards to play with. Schyla and I did so much nonsense with that thing and Bwonsamdi and the spirits back in the day.

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Steam cleaner obviously renders this dead in the water, especially if steam cleaners are x 2 or copied. I think this look fun and interesting, however.

Honestly this archetype looks about tier 3 to me. When you break it down the 6 cards trump revealed are only mediocre stats. The weapon is a 1/3, kvaldir is a vanilla 3/2, down with the ship is your standard 2 mana 3 health minion removal, and helya itself is a vanilla 4/4. Tomb traitor is the same as duskbreaker’s effect on enemy minions sure, but do you know what else it reminds me of even more? Shardshatterer mystic, which was part of demon hunter’s soul shard deck back in the day. Do you remember what tier soul shard demon hunter was? I do, because I played that deck quite a bit. It was consistently tier 3 throughout its lifespan.

The problem with this deck is that it’s really slow and none of the cards have a power spike. You don’t generate stupid unanswerable board, but instead plink your opponent with tons of pinpricks over time. An aggro deck will probably kill you through board long before you get them to draw the curses (enrage warrior or pure paladin would murder this deck), and blood DK will just heal itself with its infinite lifesteal cards … not to mention that’s a deck that actually does run steam cleaner.

The whole archetype looks fun, but bait. Pretty sure we have a solid tier 3 deck in the making. It’ll be one people complain about when they lose to it, and it’ll be all over lower ranks, but it won’t be good and at higher ranks it’ll vanish completely.

Didnt that deck get like, multiple nerfs?

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No, it got one nerf. The original version of Il’gynoth was its win condition. The deck died horribly when Il’gynoth got nerfed. Il’gynoth itself was the problem with the original iteration of the deck, not the soul shards. The soul shard package itself was only middling, so when the Il’gynoth cheese was addressed soul demon hunter fell flat to tier 3 and stayed there for the duration of its standard lifespan.

It was nerfed before the Illgynoth nerf. Soulshard Mystic was originally 3 mana

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I have not played unholy or frost dk yet, blood main. But that 4 mana legendary is so broken that I think control plague dk will be pretty good. A bit sad I will be forced to change from blood to unholy/frost though.