German translations messy since last update

The last update has changed some translations in the game - and while not finding a single translation that is now better, some of the new translations have typos or are confusing.

The worst change is that the term “corpse” now translates to “Körper” (=(living) body) for some cards, while it is still “Leiche” (=(dead) body /corpse) for others.

‘Fistful of Corpses’ now says “Verwundet einen Diener, der deinen Körpern entspricht” - this does not even make sense as a sentence

For ‘Pile of Bones’ the term “Todesröcheln” (Deathrattle) is written wrong - and the card text is also not understandable. (Translation now means: “Next time you excavate - continue.”)

List can be continued for many other cards as well.

Is this some kind of attempt to introduce AI-translations gone wrong?


Hey there, just wanted to add as a fellow german player that I noticed this as well. The warrior card “Ödlandraufbold” (eng. “Badlands Brawler”) now reads “Beginn ein Chaos! […]” (eng. “Start a Brawl!”) which is just the wrong card name, since the card “Brawl!” is translated as “Scharmützel!”.

Also the hunter card “Kriechende Schlangen” (eng. “Sneaky Snakes”) reads “Ruft zwei Schlangen 1/1 mit Tarnkappe.” (eng. “Summon two 1/1 Snakes with Stealth”). This is first of all grammatically false and the keyword Stealth is translated as “Verborgenheit

The already mentioned corpse being translated as Körper also appears in “Leichenfarm” (now “Körper-Farm”, eng. “Corpse Farm”) where not only the text got changed, but the card name as well.

The shaman card “Doktor Holli’dae” now reads “Wenn euer Stapel keine doppelten Karten enthält, […]” which was formerly “Wenn euer Deck keine Karten mehrfach enthält, […]” (eng. “If your deck has no duplicates, […]”.

Another shaman card “Riesiger Steppenläufer!!!” (eng. “Giant Tumbleweed!!!”) now reads “Verwundet 6 alle Diener. […]” (eng. “Deal 6 to all minions. […]”) which is just not a sentence.

Or how about the “Wandelnder Berg” (eng. “Walking Mountain”) which now reads “Ansturm, Lebensentzug, Mega-Windsbraut, Überlastung: 2” (eng. “Charge, Lifesteal, Mega-Windfury, Overload: 2”). This is beyond wrong. Not only are keywords wrong, but the keyword Ansturm is just another keyword. Charge is translated as Ansturm whereas Rush should be Eifer. And translating Windfury as Windsbraut (= “Bride of the wind”) is actually kinda funny. So the correct text would be “Eifer, Lebensentzug, Mega-Windzorn, Überladung: (2)”.

And don’t even get me started on their flavour texts.

There are probably more, but those are the ones I found while playing. If an AI was used, which seems to be the case, it was a really bad one or it was misused really hard. Normally an AI would at least generate a grammatically correct sentence.

PS: After a quick search, some other cards would be “Nach oben stehen” (formerly “Überfall”, eng. “Stick up”) which doesn’t make any sense, “Tentakelgriff” (eng. “Tentacle Grip”) which has “Kombo” instead of “Combo”, “Kopfgeld-Cowboy” (eng. “Bounty Wrangler”) which has two wrong keywords, “Dreifache Sevens” (eng. “Triple Sevens”) which has an unreadable text.
From here on, only the current german names since this becomes work now and I’m not getting paid for it. Some have minor mistakes, some are bad, some are unplayable:

“Remix-Stimmgabel”, “Kampfspitzhacke”, “Tram-Mechaniker”, “Dryscale-Stellvertreter”, “Hufeisenwerfer”, “Hasenstampfer”, “Welpenhalter”, “Gaslicht Torwächter”, “Linedance-Partner”, “Remix-Musiker”, “Verfluchtes Elemental”, “Oger-Gang As*” (last word not allowed in forum xD), “Oasis Gesetzlose”, “Bartend-O-Bot”, “Verdurstender Desperado”, “Fan der Hammer”, “Rehydrieren”, “Plitsch-Platsch-Welpe”, “Spinetail-Drache”, “Wüsten-Nestmatron”, “Drachengolem”, “Aufsatteln”, “Silberschlange”, “Camouflage-Berg”, “Eiskonservierung”, “Hitzewelle”, “Azerit Vein”, “Sternenguckerei”, “Sunset Valley”, “Hallo Ho Silberflügel”, “Schaltet das Gesetz aus”, “Heiliges Quellwasser”.


Found some more. Here are their current (often bad) translations and english names:

“Maul und Pfote” (“Maw and Paw”),
“Sprengschildkröte” (“Blast Tortoise”),
“Skelett-Mannschaft” (“Skeleton-Crew”),
on that regard all excavated Treasures (generated by e.g. Skeleton-Crew) have terrible translations now,
“Koboldminenarbeiter” (“Kobold Miner”),
“Höhlenbrecher” (“Burrow Buster”)(only small mistake here),
“Minecart-Kreuzer” (“Minecart Cruiser”)

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There are so many more… Warlock: Reno is STILL the old version. It basically says that if you have no duplicates in your deck, clear the opponents board. English version says: at the start of the game!

Same goes for Wheel of Death, Corpses (LOL!!! = Körper (MEANS BODY IN GERMAN!!!) and a ton more… Sad translations, its getting worse and worse!!!

I found a translation error with a 2 mana card named corpsicle : Deal 3 damage. Spend 3 Corpses to return this to your hand at the end of your turn. but the german version it is written : fugt 3 schaden zu. Verbraucht 3 leichen, um disen Diener am ende eures Zuges auf Eure Hand zuruckkehren zu lassen . the german version implies that a minions will come back to your hand but in reality it is the card that comes back