Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater core Make note

I highly recommend that players who had these cards prior to them being moved to core, to pay close attention to when they rotate back to Wild. Just make sure they are still in your collection.


why would they not be?


Because some people here think that Blizz sneakily steals cards from your collection


The only reason for that is when they mistakenly dust their originals because they mistake the core one as theirs. Then when the rotation occurs, “oh holy hell consequences for their actions?! How could they do this me?!” :sob:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :point_up_2:


To be fair, they do not make things that clear.
I have made the same mistake in the past, and had to re-craft the cards I dusted.

From the very start, I have never dusted any cards that did not have more than copies. I have never dusted any gold card, and on a number of occassions I’ve received the message “We were unable to verify your collection error” when logging into the game. I’ve had cards that were golden that I have crafted in the past go missing.

Error’s have happend, and collections have been impacted in the past. But not by my dusting anything. And it’s really difficult for someone to dust something by accident becuase there’s a message that will pop up with a warning that you have to confirm before you dust the card if you have less than 2 copies, and I don’t know if there is one for legendaries as I’ve never dusted any unless I have the golden/.DIamond/Signiture verisons.

So its important to pay attention to your collection to know what you actually have, espeically when they move cards into core and than rotate them back.

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Well said. It is easy to delete cards that you think are duplicates.

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thats why i dont dust any card til it reads “x3” on it. then i dust the 1 to bring it back down to x2. And thats where it stops for me. Never had the issue of a duplicate legendary outside the golden gifted uncraftables and their normal variants that were the same. and the diamond loetheb because i still had all my naxx set. but they dont appear under “extra” in the searches so they arent extras lol.

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use the “extra” filter

i have baku in wild now its in core but it wont show up if i filter by “extra”


They can literally have them. Being a survivor of that years worth of carnage you couldn’t pay me to ever play with those cards again.


at least the early rotation gave us 3200 dust (or more if you had a golden one like me :grin:)


Interesting to note is patchwerk is a death knight card… but it doesnt seem to have been released in any expansion

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It was actually in the Core set on the DK release after you did the Prologue. It was essentially a freebie added to standard core. Once they rotated it out along with a couple other cards like it you could only get them by crafting them.

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It was one of those cards that I always thought was part of the path of arathas ‘adventure’ or whatever its called and it confused me when it was no longer available after it rotated out of core. But its one example of a card people probably think they owned but dont actually own as I made that mistake.

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you can get it from wild packs

i got 5-10 right after the rotation to grab some of the commons and rares

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That’s interesting because on the hearthstone, wiki, it says they can only be crafted. Until I read that I assumed the same thing that you could get the cards With wild packs.

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