Genn and ETC broken

FYI, Genn and ETC band manager interaction is broken, if you play etc with Genn you will get zero cards.

Not sure why I expected this to work to be honest.

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Why would it not work? It’s discovering a card.

It’s working fine for me. Did you forget to create your band?

Did your band have odd-cost cards?

Yes odd cost cards. That’s why I run him. Nothing in the card text of either suggest this is illegal or not allowed.

Yes, all 3 of them were Odd.

I was asking MoonUnit to see if that was the problem.

So, it’s doesn’t work like in the start of the game animation not show?

Oh weird I think what happened was I crafted my deck with ETC sideboard populated, then I added Genn to my deck AFTER. The UI prompted me if I would like to filter my card selection to only even cards, and I said yes. I then completed my deck and proceeded to play, and found IN-GAME that ETC had zero cards stored.

Checking back in the deck-build interface, ETC has zero cards, but I’m 100% sure I had populated it BEFORE adding Genn. It seem to be a bug affecting the UI + deck-building.

Just double check ETC is populated AFTER you add Genn.


No, it’s not a bug, one of the functions of saying yes to the Genn check is that it will purge your list of odd cards.

Put Genn in first or say no to the prompt and it’s not a problem.

I have odd cards in my band in my Genn deck and it works fine.


The only prompt worth clicking “Yes” to is “Do you want to build a deck copied in your clipboard?”


I’m not shocked this happens. The copy function is all kinds of messed up as of late. I love it when you copy a deck and it just randomly flags it as Wild even though it’s a standard deck.


Mine kept insisting on copying a YouTube link from my clipboard yesterday.

Still a bug that the deck is considered valid while your side deck is empty
They shouldn’t have been allowed to play a game with that deck


Its not a bug though. You can run an empty ETC, or one including just a single card if you choose.

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You’re sure of that ?
Last time I tried I couldn’t validate my deck with an explicite message that my side deck was incomplete

Edit: nvm, there’s a pop up inicating that but not a blocking one, you ccan just accept to validate the deck as it is


Genn = needing only even cards
you putting odd cost cards into ETC

To begin with this would have been an exploit, if it was fixed beforehand, its not broken, its just not an enabled exploit xD

Reading more replies now, if it is actually possible to go around this, then I am seeing it getting nuked pretty fast, considering how Blizz treats “fun” :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit; Yeah I get it, Jesus christ, replying 3 times to me with the same message doesnt make it more valid. I originally wrote “I am seeing it” as that means that is my expectation. I did NOT say it WILL, but “I am seeing it”.

It won’t be changed. This is one of the intended uses of ETC (as is running a second copy of a card in a no duplicates deck). You won’t be penalised for putting odd-cost cards into your ETC in a Genn deck.


A side deck is not your deck, just as a garage in a separated building is part of your property but not part of your house
Since ETC’s release you can put odd cards in ETC while playing an even deck, as well as you can put the second copy of a card in ETC while playing a no duplicate deck. Cards from ETC don’t even count as coming from your deck as they will trigger “card that did not start in your deck” synergies, and spells will be replayed by Rommath for example

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ETC doesn’t have any of the cards inside it in your deck, you discover the cards. It’s like how you can have 2 zilliax modules that are odd cost each but add up to even cost in an even deck because the cards are not in the deck but just change how 1 card in deck functions