Genn and Baku, where are you?

Maybe people are playing them already, but I haven’t seen any, and I am so curious about the lists that people are trying. Please tell me there is a deck somewhere that includes one of them that people are playing right now

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I’m curious as well. This will tell us a lot about power creep. Surely there must be a deck somewhere that is abusing this. Perhaps totem shaman?

Ive been playing an Odd DH I made all night, Im getting pretty good results from it. A lot like shopper dh without the weapon. Sock puppet and battlefiend are real threats when your hero power can trade with opposing minions.

Ran into a couple of other people playing similar decks, maybe there is an actual decklist being passed around


My bet is on even handlock, with the big demon summoning and giants.

Edit: Yep, the old handlock list is almost pure even anyway. Also note, ETC allows for access to odd cards without disrupting Genn.


I threw together an even druid that seems to be working better than I expected it to.

It’s definitely not the strongest thing I’ve played, but it doesn’t feel like trash either.

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So far I’ve played a bunch of Genn Warlocks, a few Genn warriors, and a few Baku Warriors and DH-s, 1 Baku rogue and I can’t remember what else, but there was definitely more


Sounds like a terrible deck xD

I have about 7 baku decks at the moment but they are all missing between 1 and 7 cards each among them since the rotation of core happened so i havent used them since that occurred. other than missing a lot of most classes board wiping spells or other key removal spells that are even cost, i enjoyed my odd decks the most in all my time playing constructed.

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Just played against an odd weapon rogue.

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Almost undoubtedly, the first competitive use of these two will be a tempo deck. My guess is likely rogue with dagger. Pally with the 2x minions might have a decent chance with their typical swarm strategy carried over.

Thing is, meta is currently very heal/armor focused, so its going to take a very heavy tempo deck to break-on through, and I’m not sure the cards exist for this currently. Need stronger tempo cards.


I thought Genn and Baku were supposed to take over and destroy Standard if they ever came back in? What happened?


Unsurprisingly it turns out most classes have huge gaps in card selection that cause the creation of good decks to be difficult.

There’s a couple that are close but they still have huge holes in their builds that can torpedo the entire deck.

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Genn and Baku don’t matter when handbuff is choking out the entire meta.

Even Warlock is strong. The Handlock stuff they reintroduced in rotation makes a lot of sense now and Forge of Wills nerf to 4 mana plays into its favour. It feels a bit like old Evenlock, where if you know how to mulligan and play each matchup, very few games feel worse than 50/50. ETC allows us to bypass the Genn restriction and I’m currently testing Sargeras, Viper and Soul Freeze in the band, which seem decent.

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Well, Baku face hunter is meh :slight_smile: