Gemtosser to face

Thank you for the turn 8, 30 damage gemtosser damage. I am so glad that druid can ramp up, play minions, draw cards and gain armour so that when they do kill me, they have a higher halth and armour total than i did despite clearing their board and hitting face every turn.

I was initially pleased by the announcement at the release of perils that ramping was going to be nerfed for this expansion. Than the cards were announce. I am ashamed that i bought 10 card packs. I would like to take that back but alas i can’t.

i havent tried this meme deck yet

Based n Gemtosser-pilled.

It’s not easy to play ramp up druid currently. It’s EASILY killed by the aggro spellcasters (including the mages) (I’d find the OTK concierge druid more unfair and it’s easier to play).

What exactly do you play and it can’t deal with ramp?

It’s not a meme deck, it’s literally Dragon Druid or Ramp Druid and is a top 5 deck. At top 1k Legend, it is THE best deck. It’s the exact opposite of meme.

You ramp, Marin, then hit 1 Gemtosser for 0 mana.

Once you do that, with your 16 mana on turn 8 you’ll play 2 Gemtossers for 32 damage.

I will admit that being able to play 2 on the same turn is not common, because you need Marin to hit 1, but it does happen.

1 Gemtosser for 16 though is completely normal by turn 8 and most of that, if not all, will be going face.


what did change to make a tier 4 deck one of the top 5 ?

the deck got nerfed
and suddenly from losing to pretty much every deck out there

became top tier deck???

I don’t know what you mean Tier 4 deck. It was Tier 1-2 last week on VS report.

The only thing that changed is Ticking Module has slowed down some aggro decks, that’s really it.

Dragon Druid has always been strong. It’s just better now because Ticking Module doesn’t come down as fast.

hydration station got nerfed and ramp drudid was tier 4 last vs report

You have no idea what you’re talking about here, though.

You’ve just sort of missed everything.


Yep, literally happened to me today

Druid drew a Gemtosser from Marin reward for 0 mana and had one for 3 mana, and he also had 13 crystals, so that’s 26 dmg from 2x Gemtosser

One swipe with spell dmg to clear the board and it’s a full OTK

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You’re talking about Ramp Druid or Taunt Ramp Druid. I’m talking about Dragon Druid with Ramp.

Dragon Druid was Tier 2 at Top1k Legend last week and Tier 1 in Legend last week.

It is now #1 deck at Top1K Legend and #4 deck in Diamond - Legend.

In VS Live data right now, Dragon Druid is #1 across all ranks except for All Legend where it currently sits at #3

You’re getting 2 decks confused.

Ramp Druid, which runs tons of taunts is an entirely different deck

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OP mentions armor

thats ramp druid the one running lotus seedling*2 and th eonly one able to gain a lot of armor in one game

the worst druid deck with a little over 40 % win rate

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I think they are talking about Sleep Under the Stars. That is ran in Dragon Druid.

Ramp Druid is practically non-existent. It’s Dragon Druid that everyone has an issue with because it can do all of those things and more.

In any case, Dragon Druid IS hitting people for 16-32 damage with Gem Tosser. It’s not a meme by any stretch of the imagination.

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Just 16 damage?

I had a dude get both his Gem Tossers from his Marin draw 3. I took either 26 or 32, cant remember but I know I was at full health as control warrior, thought i was super safe.

Looked away from my screen for one sec to see im under 10 hp .

Granted my next turn I healed for 30 so I am pretty sure I broke that druid’s soul yugioh style, so there’s that.


I might be playing an outdated version, then, but my Concierge Dragon Druid also runs 2x Lotus Seedling, so that’s not the differentiating card

Ramp Druid utilizes Hydration Station and Fizzle, which other Druid decks do not

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You have to play that deck to see it’s weaker than you portray it to be. You only look at its late rounds because those are the only rounds it has some power.

Before it gets at least 7 or 8 mana it’s extremely weak; it’s easily killed by anything with some “mid-range-aggro”; it’s true “ramp up” even at defense.

I mean, I do have problems trying to differentiate the 4 versions in game, because I only find out which version they played when I’m already about to die

Until turn 5 when I usually kill them, they’re all the same xD

Right. This is most of the distinguishing feature.

The Druid deck that runs Hydration Station is pretty bad because it’s too greedy.

Dragon Druid is a menace from start to finish and doesn’t run Hydration station because it’s not running all those taunts.

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Yeah that’s a good example. They’re REALLY bad against anything that can develop great power between the druid having 1 mana and the druid having 7+ mana (I’m not saying “round” because they ramp mana).

Yeah they have some defenses before then but it’s usually only swipe which only works for simplistic flood paladins which are weaker now.

Yeah, some people call it Tempo Druid, and it literally overwhelms you with tempo

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