Title says it for the most part. I don’t think the amount of time played is holding me back and I’m playing the meta (Galakrond Rogue with secret package) but I just can’t seem to get past the Diamond 2-4 range.
I assume what’s holding me back are skill/gameplay issues so does anyone have advice on what I need to do/study to hit Legend? Where do Diamond players go to get better?
I watch YT or Twitch and I ask alot of questions. I also spectate better players whenever I can.
I don’t have all of the classes key plays memorized and so it’s doubtful I will hit legend, but best of luck to you
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Who are good ones to watch?
If you play mage like I do then APXVoid is THE man.
If you play other classses there are many. Trump is great and super chill.
Kibler is awesome and funny. Alliestraza is pretty and skilled.
Pavel is irreverent, quirky, and a great player.
Kripparian is sarcastic, caustic, and a blast.
RegisKilbin is quick witted, and a good guy.
Just find someone who’s personality sparks yours:)
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Just play odd DH in wild and cruise to legend with a 55-65% WR
Look into your past games data e.g. matchup.
From there see if there is a need to tech, change some cards, concentrate on certain matchups, etc
section 2.
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Hey man , im a rogue player myself…
This month i hit Legend within few hours after the reset and helped 4 people to Reach Legend. I can give you some advices how how reach Legend rly easy.
Healbot#21481 , u can add me in NA or EU.
show some games and we can see what you do well and what you dont.
On your own, understand pocket meta and techs that works against such pocket. Know which card to keep and mulligan against what deck. To do so, you need to know the meta well. How your deck fare against opponent deck? Questions you can ask, if the game drag, can i win? If the answer is no, you want the most aggressive opening ever. If the answer is yes, you want the defensive opening.
Play around removals, board clears. Check lethal often. If you have lethal next turn, and opponent has some minions, kill some of the minions, don’t overdo face damage.
I’ve been enjoying bunnyhoppor’s stream when I have the time. His running commentary is usually interesting and helpful.
-Have 2-3 decks, ideally different archetypes. This is if you ever hit a ‘pocket meta’ where everyone is playing the same decks, you can account for it and swap.
-Take breaks. You misplay more when you start zoning out. Doesn’t have to be long - get up, get yourself some water, queue up. You will naturally lose many games on the way to Legend, but losses due to misplays are not natural losses.
-Keep a tally of important cards going by. How many Consume Magics have you seen - can you risk slapping down that Khartut Defender? If you haven’t seen any Plague of Flames yet, does the opponent look like they run it?
-Struggle versus a deck? Either play it, or watch a streamer play it so you can understand it. If Face Hunter is meta, everyone should know what it’s like to play it, if for no other reason than to know where and how it loses.
Do you play on standard or wild?
Ah I see. I play wild only but I want to learn from you. Amazing you helping the community so much…
Thank you man
u can always add me ^^ i dont know much about the WIld but i can give u jsut basic gameplay advices.
Also u can try to do boomsday project , you will learn the different situations etc.
Actually I don’t mind just trying standard. I have too many missing cards from various wild sets too!
Added you bro on both my accounts. Will spectate and learn from you when you are online.
You need to have a specific mind set for the play style that’s winning. I can’t ignore my opponent building a board thus most mongo decks I will never win using like face hunter or dh or anything murloc.
find your play style. Learn your counters. Learn what other meta decks can and will have.
Wild is really not what it used to be. Legendaries of old don’t massively dominate like you don’t need old boom