Game not working in russia

The issue has been bigger than that, gonna cite this again:

For me personally, the problem started with the patch 29.6.

Eh? Regarding regional currency, that is. Wasn’t it all replaced by rune$tone$ long ago?

As far as I know, if you had Russia selected as your country in the Battle.Net profile, the in-game shop wouldn’t offer you those rune$tone$ (the web shop still would), and that was it.

Speaking of which, it could be another source of problems. Translations/localisations have been notoriously problematic.

Is that even a thing? :thinking: AFAIK, you could play on all three regions (AM, EU, AP) with one account.

Or were you referring to the country in the Battle.Net profile, as mentioned above?

Hmm, isn’t it dependent on your IP address or something like it?

Why are you calling some racist pile of… whatever… a ‘bro’? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Nope, if you ask me, it means you were fortunate to have had your shop working before the patch in the first place. :grinning: