Game is garbage

Board control doesn’t matter when the opposing deck doesn’t win through the board. Think about that for a minute. Not every deck wins through building a board to smash your face in.


You act like having the entire card list roster of the game’s history is supposed to be a given standard base set of knowing what to expect in everyone’s decks as well as all the current metas and past metas decklists. No one can be expected to know even a fraction of all that. Sure they might predict a board wipe to be coming eventually, but no one can expect a board wipe every single turn …

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Points brought up by countless people here for some time now.

That makes absolutely no sense. So…if they really believed the game was that bad, they wouldn’t be here offering feedback.

By that logic, if you believed was a good as you claimed (without giving any reasons why) then you wouldn’t be here praising it.

More like, the queen randomly materialized onto the back line with four other queens, then proceed to smash his entire side of the board into the opening from a disaster movie.

How would you have won in op’s scenario? Because instead of offering that experience from time and effort, you just offered a bunch of insults.


Sure there are other win conditions like have more cards than your opponent, disrupt their deck forever, don’t let them have a turn, punch them straight in the face with spells, mill decks, string together an elaborate combo, etc

But being able to play one card and have the game either be over or essentially over makes me wonder what I’m even doing here. Why did I bother? What’s the point in trying to be good at something if somebody else can come along and simply be handed a win by bad card design that they have no problem exploiting

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Rigged game take money and casino, that es all!


That’s not how it is. Board control matters, but decks that are built with huge emphasis on controlling the board and little emphasis on winning the game through means other than attrition are (rightly) punished by decks that win through off board damage. These decks are, in turn, punished by decks that build strong, sticky boards quickly and efficiently, which are, in turn, punished by decks that excel at board control. Any deck that leans too far into one of these archetypes will utterly destroy another, while being utterly destroyed by the next. Decks that opt for a more balanced approach won’t excel so much in their good matchups but also won’t struggle so hard in their poor ones. I think having decks that can 100-0 off board are completely fine, provided it requires sufficient set up and isn’t regularly ending the game before turn 8.

I’m inclined not to argue too hard against this because I’ll likely get branded condescending for calling this a skill issue, but when deck that has an extremely predictable, massive power spike on turn X exists, you know that you’ve got to play the game with a view to making that turn as awkward as possible, disrupt the hand prior to that turn or win before that power spike comes online. If your deck can’t do any of the above, that’s either a deck building issue, or you have made a conscious decision to accept this as a bad matchup and hope that they are delayed in hitting the cards they need long enough when you face it.

Without a replay, I can’t say for sure, but the implication of the OP is that they kept the enemy board clear and their life topped up, but it doesn’t mention that they had put the opponent under any meaningful pressure themselves. This suggests to me that the opponent got a free turn to play Odyn and wasn’t pressured to use any of their armour gain early. Of course, not the OP’s fault that they probably didn’t know this deck existed as they had just returned to the game, but maybe “that was nuts, I wonder how I can build/play to beat that next time” would have been better than publicly announcing the whole game is garbage because of one game against one deck from one class.


Because OP didn’t come here to learn, but to rant. Why would i waste energy on technical advise that’s going to be wasted?

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Apparently, you CAN waste energy ranting about ranting.

But not to actually indicate how you would have “done better” (the prevailing “advice” [if one can actually call it that]) here.

If I tell people I have the ultimate strategy to win 95% of every game, and anyone who doesn’t win 95% of their games is “(nonhelpful verb someone tosses out to describe someone in op’s situation here)” everyone would rightly call tauren podo.

“source: dude trust me” only works for people who buy “secrets of…” courses for insane prices in pay per class multi class installments.