Game crashes on mobile (Samsung S5)

I have experienced regular crashes on my mobile phone since the Hallows End patch went live.

I have a Samsung s5. Its 5 years old. I’ve been playing HS on it since the game was cross platformed to mobile. Never had this issue before. My phone has 80% of its harddrive being used, so it’s not a memory issue.

What’s happening is that i boot up the game. Reach the menu screen and tap solo adventures. I select the latest adventure, tomb of terror, and immediately the game crashes upon seeing the large book image. I have to start the game over again by tapping the HS icon. This crash happens very consistently.

I have not tried other solo adventures.

5 out of 5 times I’ve tried to play solo adventures, the game crashes. There is no play around on my phone. In order to play solo adventures, i have to use my pc.

I also experience periodic or random crashing during other game modes. It doesn’t happen on certain cards, it just happens. It could be during my turn or there turn and can happen at any moment during the match. Including while i am playing a card.

Please do something to fix this. I don’t want to have to consider HS to be unplayable on my mobile now.

This is currently a known issue for Android devices. The main thread is available here.

Locking this thread to keep the discussion focused on the primary thread.