Game Breaking Issue: Shaman

I recently came back to the game and have been grinding the standard ranked ladder to see if I can still make legend. Throughout the 200+ games I have done so far (currently diamond 3), every so often I was greeted with a handful of weird matches which showcased some interaction between shaman and spell damage minions. It seems whenever a spell damage minion is on the field said spell damage minion gives cost reduction to their owner’s spells enabling for the individual to end the game by turn 6 at the latest. I don’t know what would cause this to occur, outside of some undisclosed bug and/or some sort of cheat. If anyone knows about/could explain/could look into this issue, then I and the players I have also spoken to on this matter would be greatly appreciative. - JZ

It would help if you had a game replay recording, so we could see the exact details.

Surely your opponent simply played Flash of lightning the turn before that.
It’s a setup used to OTK the turn later.
Since spells are discounted for a turn, that’s often when the shaman will drop spell damage minions to attempt to find lethal

Epic · Spell · TITANS · Draw a card. Next turn, your Nature spells cost (1) less.

Believe it or not, this is not a bug.
The geniuses at Blizzard think that this is actually how the game must be played.

Would be a nice thing to not purposefully spread missinformation.
OP is reporting spell damage reducing the cost of cards seemingly randomly.
Which is not what is happening.

Hey just wanted to clarify that it is not a one time discount for “flash of lightning”, the spell damage minions discount all spells and not just nature spells or spells that do damage or even discovered spells but any and all spells played are effected by this. I will try to go to hs replay and see if I can track it somehow as proof.