Frustrating gameplay

I played rainbow mage and matched against boomboss warrior 5 games in a row, all of the game my opponent played his boomboss before my sif cause i couldnt draw that card until i ve 5 cards or less in my deck. Again all of the games his bombs destroyed my sif. Whatever are you guys calling this situation (bug, unlucky or lack of talent), this is frustrating and makes game unplayable. I hope you aim to fix this issue or i would not return to the game cause im playing to enjoy my time but in the end im just frustrated.

Yeah, happens a lot xD It’s bad luck, though

Couple of things, though:

a) You’re not supposed to win against warrior anyway,
b) You’re not supposed to even play Rainbow mage now since the Snake oil got nerfed.

Just give it up. I know the deck used to be fun, but how much fun can 35% winrate deck be??

Anything else is more fun than losing 65% of the games.

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Thanks for response,

I know warrior deck played by many and i know mages not performing well but this happening 5 games in a row seems little bit unfair. I blame matchmaking or card drawing mechanism for that and this makes Hearthstone unplayable in my opinion.

There is nothing you can do in that matchup if they curve Brann into Boomboss by 8.
Your OTK is too slow to compare. The matchup solely depends on the draws of both players. Nothing you can do about it except hoping they don’t draw both cards too early.

Yeah, I know the feeling, trust me. I’ve played that mage a lot, but that’s nothing compared to bad streaks I get when playing Sludgelock.

I can highroll for a couple of hours, get a lot of ranks and then proceed to lowroll for days without stopping.

I start to question my existence and it sucks out any positivity I had in me.

That’s life

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