Frostbitten Freebooter Bug Fails to freeze hero

Card lists 3 enemies frozen, but when it hit the enemy hero, it flashed and then he was unfrozen. the minions stayed frozen until my turn but the demon hunter enemy hero attacked me.

Reconfirmed no minions or spells prevented it and checked the log to the left of previous turns/cards.
so looks like a new bug


A replay would be nice
I’m trying to reproduce that but the card works properly and correctly freezes the ennemy hero


Thank you, I cannot reproduce either. Something else in my deck must be causing. I Just played a game today where my heal cards didn’t work either. It is not easily reproducable either. Created a separate post for it. I assure you it happened, and I am quite lucid. I just don;t know the exact scenario required to create the bug.
Thanks again for bringing attention to the post by commenting though and testing! (I may need to start recording every game, I just didn’t wan to eat all my HDD space playing bots)

you don’t need to actively record your games
Simply playing with a deck tracker (from HSReplay or Firestone) will passively gather the logs from your games and allow you to view and share the replay on their site

Same issue here, the enemy hero unfroze immediately after being frozen by Frostbitten Freebooter. One reason could that it had reborn given by BrittleBone Bucaneer, but this is just a theory. Minions stayed frozen, only the hero unfroze.
Here is the HS replay ID : YK9a5ij3aSzCVKURfDeVxs
NB :

  • he was frozen at the end of his turn 5 and unfroze at the start of my turn 6
  • I froze him with an elemental few seconds after start of turn 6, so this is to look slowly :slight_smile: ).

It also happened maybe 2 or 3 times when I was playing DK so I’d say it’s not a tourist thing.

Which is not a bug…
Have one of your characters able to attack
Do not attack with it and freeze it on your turn
At the end of your turn that character will unfreeze
Your opponent froze themselve during their turn. Their hero didn’t attack that turn. At the end of the turn they unfreeze.

That’s the intended behavior of the freeze mechanic
Freeze makes you miss an attack opportunity, it is not required that it will last more than one turn

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I was just looking into this because i crafted the card to try out. It makes sense that it works the way you describe, but then that makes the card pretty much useless in a triple frost deck where it should see the most play. You are making us play the card then hit it with a corpsicle or frost strike to trigger the death rattle to make it useful. As a 3 mana 2/2 card without rush this card will only work with the warlock tourist card out in play.

The only way to take advantage of this card as a death knight is to use the brittlebone buccaneer, which you can’t do in a triple frost deck.

triple frost has had so little support it’s a shame to see this undead pirate languishing in the sideboard.