Frost Lich Jaina is OP and desperately needs nerfing

I ran DK Guldan in Evenlock as a finisher. But DK Rexxar…insane value. Spellhunter was one of my favorite decks. That one and Big Game Hunter.

Yeah it was like “if you made it this far against warlock you deserve to lose” type beat

Cubelock on the other hand…remember that meta?

Cubelock and Odd Paladin?

Ah, memories.

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And people were out here still witch hunting shaman lmao

The last standing DK is Uther…
and, it’s not that good either…
I think everyone could be buffed except him.

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Ahahaha, they really were!

hagatha was good for the board clear, but shudderwock was the real menace

I hated Shudderwock. I just conceded because it ate up too much of my turn. I heard they fixed that but I was already over it.

Hagatha was great though. I loved her.

Have you seen the otk with song along?

Yes, in fact, I used it in the last heroic tavern fight,
getting a mediocre 3-3…

I defeated a couple of miracle rogues and a DH pirate,
then I got destroyed by 2 demon seeds and a shuderwock shaman piloted by a top 10 wild player maxiebon…

Is very good against agro but there are simply better otks…