Friendly reminder - you can open your packs today!

Oh yeah for sure. If you had to pick, I’d probably get a console as well, and then go ham with expansion in December. I’m just fortunate to be in a position to get/save up for certain things than I otherwise would’ve had any other year.

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they should do it like this from now on

wouldnt it encourage people to play more before the release ?

We get any free packs as a “celebration” before launch day like in the past?

( I opted out of pre-ordering, I have 2800 gold, 4 packs from the monthly mistake and will probably drop 10 bucks on packs, thats 39 packs, enough for me)

You get a free Legendary when you first log in after the expansion releases, and there’s a legendary quest chain that gives you 6 Scholomance packs total (3 quest in the chain, 2 reward packs per quest).

Thanks a ton. Whats your favorite color? Sorry… I had to go over 20 characters or someone at Blizzard loses an eye or something… lol