Free deck, What if I have some of the card already?

Hi there, wanna ask something about free new deck
so, I’ve almost completed the so called “apprentice rank” and planned to get the mage free deck, mainly to get Zephrys and Dragonqueen Alextrasza as it is neutral and can be used in all highlander deck

but on the last card pack that I got from climbing the “apprentice rank”, I pulled Zephrys, (yay)

So, if I still choose the mage free deck, do I get still get the zephrys? (i’ll have 2)
or will I have some compensation for the card that I already have (like 1600 dust for the zeph for example)

Does anyone know anything or maybe experienced this?

If i dont get the dust value for zephrys, I might consider choosing the rogue deck instead, as 2 zephrys will only get me 400 dust value,…

and I think I’ll have more value picking the rogue deck, haha…
F2P player here, so wanna maximize what I get lol,…


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Maybe disenchant your current Zephrys and wait for it to come in the deck.

You would just disenchant it, all non golden legendaries disenchant for 400 dust (enough to craft a non golden epic) I would save the gold up to 1600 to craft Kalecgos for the mage deck. I know you said F2P but I would invest a tiny amount and go purchase Galakronds Awakening solo adventure to get The Amazing Reno for the deck. There are a few other cards in that adventure which are great for Highlander Mage such as Manasaber and Arcane Amplifier