Found A Funny Reaction With Warrior

Add this card to a side deck to get some quests done

Rare · Spell · Whizbang

one of the taunt minions is this lil lady

Legendary · Minion · Rastakhan’s Rumble · Taunt, Lifesteal When you discard this, add 2 copies of it to your hand.

i play a couple of taunt minions aside from her. She n the other 2 i didn’t play get discarded, but whoops, her effect kicks in. Now there’s 2 of her, both still ready to get auto-discarded at the end of each turn, doubling until i have no more room in my hand. Be a more useful interaction if she was more affordable to cast lol.


That’s dumb and funny and I wanna see this interaction myself lol


Ah, I see. Because they are actual copies, they keep all enchantments, etc. That’s pretty funny.


That worked with Soularium for warlocks too, at least last time it happened to me.

That’s how it worked for years but they “fixed” it recently for the soularium

just like how they fixed odyn after saying it was intended to be able to stack the effect