Forged in the Barrens Battle Pass

Hello there,
Ive just now found my taste in Heartstone again, and as a full Horde loyalist Forged in the Barrens is my thing. I would love to buy and play the Battle Pass, but since I started playing yesterday and United in Stormwind is coming soon, is there any way to get the things from the Pass in time or afterwards?

Unless you grind very hard not really. You would have needed last week to be already 70 to get alone with quests the rewards.
Here you can see how much have to do:

If we assume you do all the quests including today with the maximum exp possible you get only 50.600 EXP which get you only to rank 55 and so a third.
But because this will not likely be possible you need from today on at least grind 3750 EXP per day to still get barely to lvl 100 from the reward pass.
But because one hour get optimistically 400 EXP you need to sit arround 10 hours per day playing Hearthstone to still reach it.

Someone on the German forum did the math for it:

Oh and btw this should be in Community Discussion not in Singleplayer Discussion.