For Returning Players

There is a free deck for those that returns after 120days right? Is there any info on what deck is up for selection?
Does logging in before or after the expansion matters?
What other rewards are available and noteworthy?

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I think the forum mod Gnomesayian usually has a post about returning player decks somewhere?

I know when I came back, they gave me like 6 free decks to try out as much as I wanted for X amount of days. Once that timeframe expired you get to select one of the decks and you get all the cards.

Not all decks had the same dust ratio mind you. I went over every deck in that regard for dust. Also, neutral Legendary’s was a big bonus. I remember picking the Rogue free deck because it had Astalor as one of its legendries and none of the others had him.


Which newcomer loan deck is the most valueable (dustwise)?

This article includes the deck-lists that new or returning players will be able to choose a new deck from. It also includes a dust cost for each deck, but keep in mind that the decks might contain some un-craft-able cards, which cannot be dusted.

Zeddy also did a video on these ^ decks:

Back in December and early January, I tested out a new account with a new collection on each server to get a first hand experience of opening up a lot of Catch-Up packs and getting free decks. I have not used that account since getting the free decks, and so it’s possible if I wait a few more weeks to log into those collections, I will be eligible to get some free new decks.

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