For eff's sake make intentional roping a bannable offense

There is no good excuse for it. Or just make the turns shorter. Those precious turns that need to last an eternity or some people just can’t function.

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How do you know it’s intentional and not just someone who is really slow? They can’t just ban people willy nilly for using their allotted turn time.


C’mon. Mass amounts of patterns.
If someone is roping turn 1, I play fast, they rope turn 2, I play fast, they rope turn 3, then I rope turn 3, and THEN they start playing normally?

I play versus those people all the time, but mostly only once. Analytics can see all their games. Patterns emerge.

Now, it is a whole another question SHOULD you, and how, punish them. I do not think it is possible, because the game gives this amount of time, and those are the fundamental rules / rights of the all the players.

There is no way to tell for sure if they are doing it on purpose or if they just play really slow like Lifecoach did back when he still played Hearthstone back when strategy still mattered.

Turn 1 if they play a 1 mana card and wait for the countdown to be less then 25% before clicking is a pretty good indication. If it’s repeated on turn 2 they are roping, on the other hand just playing nothing is probably afk.

Dont care about your rank.
2 turns of roping I am out of there. They get there pittance of gold which serves almost no purpose and it probably makes no difference to my final rank.

note at 20th of the month I might climb 3 more stars but probably not.

Don’t stress about what you can’t control. If you can’t last a minute and fifteen seconds without making a play, turn-based games probably aren’t for you.

Just rope back and you’ll see most will stop as they realise if you both rope the whole time, the games takes a long time to end.

Have Blizz fix their code that has been unstable and broken since launch first.
Played since launch, and the issue has been consistent across any piece of hardware, any piece of software, any OS, any device, any connection, any country.
Its been reported to death and Blizz still wont fix it, likely cuz that costs moneys

Said issue causes people to get randomly DCed, with tons of reconnect issues, sometimes not even letting players reconnect at all. Issue even more visible in BG for whatever reason.
“Roping” is thus an issue we can only start imagining fixes to if the instability gets fixed first, as otherwise, you begging Blizz to start punishing random players for whenever their own servers misfire.

People have asked for this before, and I say it again;

This is NOT the way to go.

(I mean, you can even “fail to connect to an opponent” in single player adventure, against npcs lol)

Some people like to plan out their games, even from turn one. Just because they use all their time to try and win a game and you don’t doesn’t mean their griefing you. I’m not saying people don’t do this period, but it’s not uncommon for people to use all their time.

Definitely not something bannable unless it’s a bot