Starting off STRONG. Fire synergy for Thori-belore, and the cost can be reduced by Steam Guardian (later). This is better than Scale of Onyxia. I repeat: this is BETTER THAN SCALE OF ONYXIA. Honestly this seems like it will be REALLY strong as a control tool. Don’t play this with Sunfury Champion on the board or you’ll be really sad!
A fair body that will play well with the spells revealed here. BRNR Warrior has way more spells than just BRNR so it’s not a tutor for that, but it’s essential draw power for an archetype that desperately needs to get through its deck. And the discount is almost guaranteed to happen even on-curve. This can curve into a turn 4 BRNR, as well.
Definitely a Menagerie card. BRNR nor Enrage run mechs, other than maybe Zilliax. Getting Chorus Riff onto this can me very strong. Attach it to Zilliax and you’ve got a much weaker version of Hollow Hound (Blizzard please ruin that card, kthx).
100% a control card, has Fire synergy with Thori-belore. Control Warrior definitely has the time and extra mana to Forge, even on turn 2. This card is stupendously good. Control (or BRNR) Warrior’s weakness is that it doesn’t have good control tools, and this is a good control tool.
This is by far the first Forge card you’d slot in to activate Ignis. I can’t overstate how important this card will be for reviving Control Warrior.
I’m not disappointed yet! All of these seem at least good, some of them are great. I’m riding the hype train for Odyn later today.
Do you think so? A lot of the Enrage spells are already cheap. Then again, it’s probably a better fit than Menagerie, since Menagerie runs no Fire spells…
Currently the deck runs the 1/5 naga taunt. Seems like a decent replacement. It loses taunt but draws you a specific card. And does some mana cheat. I would say it could be definitely worth a slot.
I agree here. An enrage warrior who is playing the taunt naga on an empty board is basically in the back foot and on their way to a loss. Its only use was a taunt to protect that 2 mana 1/4 buffer.
This has a more offensive stat line, draws something specific, and even discounts the cost of a card. How many mana discounts does warrior have? Such things are quite welcome.
I’ve seen a couple thoughts on making BRNR the only spell in a deck so Steam Guardian grabs it. But I don’t think that’s a good idea. If you cut out spells, you don’t have access to Shield Block, Brawl, Bellowing Flames, the Riffs, Trial by Fire, Last Stand, and removal tools like Shield Slam.
Maybe you could make it work off the Menagerie list, which runs Magatha? But I think you’d just be making a worse Menagerie Warrior. Just like playing BRNR right now is just playing a worse Enrage Warrior.
They had a brief venture into the realm of mana cheat with from the depths dredging Nellie for way too little mana. And Nellie giving some pirates that also didnt cost as much as they should.
All of these look really good. This looks like the top type of control tools warrior needs to survive to get black rock and roll to work. Could be scary
Menagerie does basically that already, and aims to close the game around turns 6 or 7. If you put in BRNR, you wouldn’t be playing BRNR since it’s a dead turn. If you edit Menagerie to go slower and need BRNR, you’re just playing a worse version of Menagerie.
Similar to how if you try to optimize BRNR currently, you’re just playing a worse version of Enrage Warrior.
This is exactly right. Anybody who plays or pays attention to Warrior knows that Control’s key weakness is not the lack of win condition, it’s the lack of early control tools. Losing Rancor, Shield Shatter, and Outrider’s Axe was brutal for the class.
BRNR is a fantastic win condition that completely fails because Control Warrior doesn’t have anything good for the first 4 turns. So you just lose because people run over you. Even Blood DK can kill you with pure aggression, which is pathetic, but also true.
Steam Guardian is draw that Control/BRNR needs, Bellowing Flames is a fantastic early game control tool that Control/BRNR needs, and Trial by Fire is a fantastic mid-to-late game control tool that might possibly be better than Brawl.