First nerf should be removing reborn from Viper

Plain and simple. There is no shot that you can make the argument that this is a good or healthy mechanic for the meta. Zerg already gets a free handful of minions in the early game. But let’s make their +4/+4 buffed full board stick AND keep their buffs as well as keep the hand full of more removal/card generation.

Second Nerf should be making infestor not an aura, or make it a battlecry. Make it buff hand/deck/board for all I care. But do not make it an aura, especially if Viper isnt going to be touched at all. Reborn+aura is a thoughtless and terrible design decision.


It would even be OK if the effect of Infestor was an Aura if it would only buff attack and not health as well.

Right now this effectively negates the downside of Reborn.

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Players are lazy to learn new cards so they want them OP at release, and the Devs indulge them because they are more interested in money than a good game.

That in a nutshell is the cause of powercreep.

PS then a few weeks laters they nerf,

same old story every single time.

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I would say removing poison would be the first nerf. Because launching a starship that has 20/18 stats and poisonous that also pings the enemy board is kind of messed up. Not to mention it can be replayed half a dozen times with jim raynor inside fizzle’s snapshot that gets triangualted a few times.

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After another wonderful and fun couple rounds of dealing with the unkillable zerg boards. I am more inclined to agree with another suggested change. If infestor is to remain an Aura, then it should only buff attack.

Again, maybe not as egregious if reborn gets removed from viper, but still. Death growl and brittle bone make the Zerg kit oppressive in the hands of DK.

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the first nerf should be with fizzles snapshot, it should by unable to be copied

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Zerg dk is not currently an issue. It loses to quite a few decks, the matchup spread doesn’t look oppressive at all.

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I think the copy goes in your hand, this solves a lot of problems

that card been fine for 2 years im more worried about infestor

and prottoss "thing " is mana cost decreases why does the zerg card draw decreases costs of cards ???

Cards been a problem since it was created. It just amplifies the power of overpowered single use cards. The only thing that changed is that more cards were recently created that amplified it’s power.

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Make infestor battlecry and take reborn off viper and we good to go.

Raven is the card id look at in the terran package, like wowzer almost guarantees a board clear and life reset.

While we are at it lets get rid of dungar.

That’s not the biggest power of the deck, Death Growl is. That thing is so OP that if you hit it with Ice Trap: it’s still playable the same turn 90%+ of the time.

It’s absolutely ludicrous it’s so cheap. Its power for Zerg is so high it could easily be 7 mana.

No Zerg cards need nerfs, nor do any of the other cards in Zerg focused decks.
The only things that possibly need nerfs are specifically the Raven ship piece going from 3 to 2 adapts, and obviously Fizzle going to once per game.
Dungar and something in Weapon Rogue could be nerfed as well because of negative player sentiment.

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What I’d nerf for now:


Infestor - either only buff the attack or change to “Give your Zerg minions in hand, deck and battlefield +1/+1”
Malfurion’s Gift - replace Wild Growth with Nourish
Painter’s Virtue- 3/2
Turbulus - revert
Shudderblock - “your next minion’s battlecry…”
Zilliax - Virus Module 0/3
Fizzle - once per game
Bob - remove the steal option

The meta is probably underrating the silencing and silencing-like effects and the DK is taking advantage of it. E.g. even nerfed Reno is OP against DK’s deathrattles and I bet paladin’s Finley too.

There’s too much powercreeep on individual cards right now that without silencing and mass silencing the boards get out of hand very fast.

The problem is that if people do that then “only-from-hand lethal” like weapon’s rogue would be too OP, so that needs a nerf.

looking for my nerf, don’t see it


More nerfs might happen before a new expansion is imminent or around that time.

I build a lot of really bad decks and quite frankly I dont think I’ve accidentally built one that doesnt kill DK zerg. It would be absolutely criminal to nerf anything about that deck. It has to be the worst zerg deck in the game.

it’s true. to play zerg dk simulator in 8/10 games all the way up to legend is inded a healthy state of balance, just like big spell mage was last time.

there will never be perfect balance for (high) legend and more casual players, but some common sense could be already achieved by firing the clowns of the current design team, especially Gonzo