showdown + beam is a nice combo, but not that overwhelming, I’ll just play a lightning storm. still i like that none of these are OP, but they playing 2+ (whatever her name is again… 7 mana get 3 legs) can be a bit painful
Showdown is potentially good if there is enough synergy to consistently combo it with removal or even crusader aura. I suspect it’ll be too inconsistent.
Mirage seems a powerful value effect. Have to wait to see the highlander neutral to really evaluate highlander potential.
Spirit of the Badlands is by far the weakest highlander legendary shown so far in the set. It wouldn’t even be that spectacular without the highlander requirement.
Edit: I think the main thing you might be missing is that the mirage never leaves your hand. That means that any minion in your deck can be cast every turn WITH ECHO. Additionally, Paladin has access to Order in the Court, which means that It has a pretty good way to make sure that it never draws whatever one mana minion it feels like playing multiple times per turn. Also, chaotic tendrils exists. The Spirit of the Badlands would absolutely be busted if it didn’t have the Highlander requirement. Because it does have the Highlander requirement, it might end up not being good enough for standard. In wild, where Highlander requirements do not reduce card quality to such an extent, I’m pretty confident that spirit will find a place.
Well if the reward doesn’t have Echo then I guess this is the best I can do: an infinite supply of Astalor. I thereby dedicate this probably bad combo deck to the Horatio from Endless Space 2.
THE WIN CONDITION (mulligan everything else)
2x Order in the Court
1x Astalor (2)
1x Spirit of the Badlands (3)
1x ETC Band Manager (4)
1x Cattle Rustler (5)
Sir Finley, Sea Guide
Prismatic Beam
1x Boogie Down
1x Consecration
1x Deputization Aura
1x Disco Maul
1x Hammer of Wrath
1x Jury Duty
1x Muster for Battle
1x Seal of Blood
1x Service Bell
1x Starlight Groove
1x Cold Feet
1x Equality
1x Feast and Famine
1x Flash of Light
1x For Quel’thalas!
1x Hand of A’dal
1x Inventor’s Aura
1x Lay Down the Law
1x Resistance Aura
1x Showdown!
1x Spotlight
1x Flight of the Bronze
1x Holy Maki Roll
1x Promotion
In best case scenario, it’s ‘draw a copy of a minion in your deck’ every turn, but that’s pretty optimistic as you probably don’t want to play whatever minion it becomes every turn since it doesn’t fit your curve or answer whatever the opponent is doing for that turn. Compare that to the druid highlander legendary for example to see just how bad it is by comparison.
If that card had no highlander restriction it would be in EVERY Paladin deck till the end of HS. WITH the restriction the card is just something to add to the deck and maybe get something interesting.
Yes, the druid Highlander payoff is very good but then again Druid also got every card in this expansion into one cohesive theme while every other class has to beg for 3-4 card with a coherent theme. Makes you wonder how that happened?
None of this will mean anything unless the legendary neutral highlander card is insanely good.