First game with Rogue tourist

im having fun, plus i added chogall to the deck

anomalies for some of you!!!

plus i also run bellhops
Rare · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Taunt Battlecry: If you

who doesnt love a 3 mana 6/6 with taunt

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i thought this guy was a stapple on any BSM long before mini set release

this guy alllowed me tro get to turn 5 so many times

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i dont see it in the lists people give me

its a great card

Yeah I don’t run it. The 3 mana spot is firmly taken by water color artist and sea shills along with location. In other lists the weapon is there. It’s not a bad card, it’s just there are better plays at the moment.

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i dropped the location for zeph and bellhop

I ran Bellhop in an old version I used last season. It’s a good card to fight off some of the aggro decks.

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i have zeph as my 3rd card on ETC

i have waaaay too many cards on the 3 mana slot including clumsy steward for the mirrors

hadnt tested that one much yet i added it because i thougt it would hurt my oppoennt more than me depending on my hand because of how many minions i run at that slot

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they probably retain changes

my coin was changed from 0 to 1 because of frost plage

i played skyla and tsunami cost became 1