First game with Rogue tourist

not sure is a bug

seems similar to what happens when you swap stats of a minion a fter a change

Havent used double Sea Shill on the same turn yet to see that happen.

Deck is everything i knew it would be and a true return to form for Mage, pity it will be played non stop by everyone already i hear the complains coming.

Skyla will 100% eat a nerf to 6 mana sonner or later.
The devs are to blame trash mini set on so many classes only Mage got something fun and strong.

I’m not 100% either, but it feels like one.

You can use single Shill

So if you have Heat Wave in hand (2 mana)
Tsunami in hand (10 mana)
Skyla in hand (5 mana)

Play Sea Shill (your next non-Rogue card costs 2 less)
Heat Wave in hand (0 mana)
Tsunami in hand (8 mana)
Skyla in hand (3 mana)

You play Skyla for 3
Skyla battlecry goes off before Sea Shill discount deactivates
Skyla swaps 0 mana and 8 mana.
Heat wave is 8 mana
Tsunami is 0 mana

Sea Shill was giving them both -2 mana, but the -2 mana was used on Skyla…but still stays on the Heatwave and Tsunami after Skyla is played

What it should be is Heatwave is 10 mana and Tsunami is 2 after Skyla is played because she eats the Sea Shill discount, but they stay discounted 2 more mana.

So if you play 2 Sea Shill in a row, your spells retain the -4 mana discount each.
So you could play Skyla for 1 mana on turn 5 and discount stuff heavily. Like a Starpower would be 1 mana and Tsunami is 6, but now they are 6 and 1.

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what happens if you play king and skyla ?

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I haven’t done that yet for fear they retain the 5 mana costs and nothing swaps.

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No wonder i never saw that play, i dont use low cost spells on my deck.
I just go for coins the more the better, my early game is around minions.

Dont sleep on Metal Detector the weapon is insane and the 2 cost minion package is also really good.

Medic and Gold Panner do some work for me.

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do they retain the 5 mana cost after the turn ends ?

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I really dislike the Metal Detector. You have to take damage. Sure, the coins are nice, but I’m getting 0 cost spells really easily with Infinitize anyway. And all this coining just to get a 0 cost when a 1 cost is perfectly fine.

Playing a Tsunami for 0 and for 1 really isn’t a big deal.

I think people are going way too heavy on the coin generation.

After what? I haven’t ever played King Tide into Skyla because it doesn’t ever make sense to do so. When you play KT on 4, you play a 5 mana spell on 5.

I don’t know what happens if you KT then Skyla.

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People are still experimenting but i dont see a world that the weapon doesnt make the final list.
Its just Barb Sorc and Balinda plan all over again.

I have seen people in a mirror that use a card to tutor the weapon(something i didnt even thought about), i still need to take a look at my 2 mana cards for final cut to see if that card makes the list.

Common · Minion · Festival of Legends · Battlecry: Draw a weapon.

Didnt even remember this card existed until i saw it played on a mirror today.


Its a shame they destroyed spell mage with this miniset. They’re going to have to nerf what was a fun deck into oblivion because of their carelessness in allowing for the consistent manacheat that it is capable of now.

Before this it was a semi-inconsistent but playable deck that forced you to play half big spell package and half something else which gave it far more decision making than you have now with the just cheat it out and repeat it out.

People will start playing stomper and that 3/2 whatever thing but I’m sure they’ll still end up nerfing the deck out of playability anyway which is disgraceful.

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But isn’t that what they always do with mage and a couple of other classes?
Give them something clearly too good for a couple of weeks, then nerf it to unplayable?
Meanwhile; other select classes are simply good no matter what, because their fundamental cards are so much better than others, and they have been allowed to be now for years, as evidenced by wild.
This will get overplayed to the point that Team5 will be more than justified in nerfing it to mediocre, or unplayable, and then they can point at it and claim that they don’t consistently favor some classes over others. Some here will even agree with that as well.
The one thing that shocked me this expansion with team 5 was that they gave mage a second tourist.
I would have lost alot of money betting on that line.

Correcting a mistake shouldnt be a shock, Mage should have never paired with anti synergy boring Paladin.

And any deck the class gets with high play rates gets nerfed regardless of power.
So if its getting crushed you might as well have it be strong deck.

The clock is ticking you better get your climb done.

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I’m thrilled mage has a viable Standard deck.
I am having a really good time in Wild as well.
Some day one of the four styles I really like will come back to Standard, and when they do, I will be back:)

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I liked it more when rogue tourism was exclusive to paladin, but im glad mage has strong decks at his disposal without being otk that can put board pressure… long live to this mage…

I hope not, honest players like you, who are not only interested in winning for the sake of winning, make wild fun and they can see when a toxic and non-interactive card is bad for the game.

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Likely not a bug. This also happens if you swap temporary stat gains, they lock in a permanent. Sea Shill just doesn’t end the discount until after the battlecry resolves, which is normal “after” timing.

It’s most useful if your hand just has expensive spells, honestly, as if you drop 2x tsunamis to 6 with it and Skyla swaps them, they both lock in at 6.

It’s less useful with cheap spells in hand unless you still plan to play an overcost cheap thing.

I have a good time, and I’m a very simple player. Most of the players here play this game the way I used to play Poker.
They count the cards, and they know the outs.
Those days are long behind me, lol. I just play on curve and try to draw my Win con.
Too old for the try-hard, lol.

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thats what i meant earlier what he describes sounds a lot to what happens when you use crazed alchemist to swap the stats of a minion with temporary buffs

i dont think paladin tourist is or ever was for BSM that one was for rainbow mage

finally got a turn 4 kill

Given your history with “fun” are you sure you want to run this deck?
You know people die inside when you do that play.

Unless you care nothing about your opponents feelings,if so carry on.