Finding Your Trust Level

Nope, I do as well.

I find trust level easier to see on mobile by cutting off the last part of the profile link and adding .json to it.

Then find in page for “trust.”

They show up in triplicates for levels 0, 1, 2, and 3.


Thanks Smeet. I will edit your recommendation for mobile users into the OP as youre more familiar with the platform than I am.


[quote=“Gwyneth-11119, post:12, topic:10305”]
I’ve googled trust levels and some of the administrators that use Discourse don’t want trust levels to be too visible because they don’t want people who don’t deserve it to actively try to get it [/quote]
it doesn’t make any sense, anyway, bump for a progression tracking

Thank you :slight_smile:

Someone point out we can’t get any higher then level 2 if you basically dont flood the forum of post. So I guess I’m max out hehe.

Actually, the posting requirements for Trust Level 3 aren’t much more significant than those for Trust Level 2. Bowser was kind enough to quote WyomingMyst’s Trust Level portion of their helpful New Forum Guide in the opening post.

TL3 simply necessitates visiting often (at least 50 of the past 100 days) and reading a lot of threads and posts. It is this latter requirement which has rendered it inaccessible to many forum regulars.

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And also lets you lose it if you stop compulsively reading the forums for any stretch of time, since the 20k post read requirement is within the last 100 days, so they expect you to be reading at least 75k ish posts every year.

That’s quite a bit for forums that aren’t super active.

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Absolutely; it is a little disconcerting.

I do believe the concept behind Trust Levels is sensible, but the system could use an overhaul so as to actually reward activity instead of having absurd requirements for inconsequential things while having nominal requirements for everything else.

At the very least, the “20,000 posts read in the last 100 days” criterion should be reduced to “10,000 posts read in the last 100 days.”

It’s quite unreasonable, yes - who in his right mind is reading 200 posts a day for 100 days straight? :open_mouth:
Unless he’s flipping through long threads with the mousewheel, that is.

That’s literally what ive done to get it back…

Find large whine topics i wouldnt normally read and scroll through them fast…

A bot could be programmed to maintain trust level 3 without actually harming anyone’s forum experience, since it just needs to read posts.

The real kicker here is that if the post count of the foruns ever drops below 20k posts within 100 days, it actually becomes impossible to maintain the trust level, as threads that are too old don’t count toward what you need.

Thx for the info Bowser. Really useful.
I find my trust lvl to be 2 although i believe im ok with everything Trust lvl 3 asks for. So i really dont get it… unless of course an old suspension on the old forums counts as well.
Oh well i guess i ve got no problem with that although its really stupid that in order to post an URL i have to change the spelling…

Trust level 3 requires reading 20k posts in the last 100 days. (As others were saying above, it is a rather insane requirement.) Your profile says that you’ve currently read about 10.7k posts, so you’ve a ways to go to hit that mark.


Wow you re correct. And i thought i was spending too much time on the forums :stuck_out_tongue: . Thx a lot man.

I wonder if a blizzard forum moderator manage to hit level 3. Wouldn’t be funny if they don’t just to show how insane the requirement is.

PS. Thank you for the clarifications guys.

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Why doesnt Bliz put our trust level in our account for easy info? WE gotta go thru all this to find out???

'cos #blizzlogic.

As Gwyn mentioned above, I can sorta understand not making progress visible (almost), but at least showing our current TL in our profiles is a no-brainer to me.