Festival of Legends Theorycrafting Thread

That looks alright honestly. I think it is lacking draw without the riffs tho. Considering you have a fair bit of different tribes, you can add the menagerie draw tool. I think 40 card decks need to be able to cycle through their deck more efficiently to compensate the lack of consistency. Since you have a lot of expensive win cons that could be poor topdecks if you need to react to a threat; I would try to make sure there’s always plenty of stuff in hand to respond to things.

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Yeah, I think Disruptive Spellbreaker would probably be the first card in the deck to get cut for that reason. I have it in there because removing your opponent’s legendary spell is bananas but it could be inconsistent. I’ll play with it for a little bit but Roaring Applause might be good enough to replace it.

If the tier 1 decks don’t care about discarding spells (Pure Paladin, for example), then it has no place. But let me tell you, from using it in live Standard, discarding your opponent’s Frostwyrm’s Fury or Shadow Word Undeath or Contraband Stash is just a recipe for good feelings.

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Or maybe even a Rustrot Viper. Tradeable is pseudo-draw. Could help to spoil all the Deathrattle weapons we’ll be seeing.