Fehlende Karten

Seid Wurbelfitz Werkstatt fehlen mir Karten, die ich auch nicht entzaubert habe. Angefangen von normalen bis hin zu legendären. Einige meiner Decks funktionieren daher nicht mehr. Die Karten sollten auch in diesem Jahr und mit dem Event aktiv sein. Diese Karten fehlen meinem Account: Aufseherin Frigidara, Flickwerk, 2x Auslöschen, 2x Verderbter Aschebringer, 2x Abschreiben, 2x Von der Schippe springen, Zilliax, 2x Herzstoß. Und das waren nur die aus den Decks. Im schlimmsten Fall fehlen noch mehr.

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Most of those listed are Core set cards. They were on loan and were not a part of your permanent collection. Different cards are now in their place

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Hey! Many cards of mine are missing too! For example Cards I can’t create with dust. Also I’m missing some golden legendarys like Patchwork (German: Flickwerk) Cards I defnitley didn’t disenchanted. Also Lothraxion. Who knows what cards else. Im very disappointed. Why they are lost? I’m missing many cards I should have gotten throught the mission with 5000 wins in ranked.

The support told me to write here.

Both Pathwerk and Lothraxion were part of the Core set. They were on loan and were not a part of your permanent collection. Different cards are now in their place