Farseer Nobundo and Elusive minions

Hi I am curious about an interaction that I disagree with and does not seem consistent with the other interactions in the game.

Farseer Nobundo is a 5 mana cost card that has the deathrattle: Summon the Galaxy’s Lens

The Galaxy’s Lens is a location that reads: Absorb the Spell’s Power

The next spell cast by the shaman, is then absorbed by the location and becomes the locations ability. For example, if you cast bloodlust then the location will cast bloodlust. If you cast hex, then the location will cast hex and allow you to target a creature similar to if you were using a location normally.

However, the exception to this is when you target elusive minions. If you absorb hex with the Galaxy’s Lens and target a friendly elusive minion, it will instead target a random friendly creature. (Note that in this interaction the location allows you to target the elusive minion, but will not actually cast the spell on that minion).

This is not consistent with the rules all other locations follow. If for example, I were to use muck pools. I could very much target an elusive minion without any issues.

This is because it is a very important distinction that using a location is not casting a spell. For this very reason, the galaxy’s lens does not activate the mage secret counterspell.
This does not seem like intended behavior and is largely inconsistent with the other interactions in the game.

I think this behavior makes sense because I think the location is casting a spell. The reason it doesn’t get countered by counter spell is because counter spell counters spells played by the opponent, not by spells played by the opponent’s locations.

Assuming that the location is casting a spell, then elusive minions cannot be targeted by spells, and so it fails over and chooses a random one.

What you are describing seems consistent
A location is not a spell, so it can target an elusive minion, just like a minion can target an elusive minion
The spell cast by the location can’t target an elusive minion though, so it finds another legal target

Counterspell only counters spells the opponent casts. That spell has to be played from hand to be considered cast by the opponent. If it’s cast from another card, it’s not cast by the opponent.

Do you have example of similar interactions it’s not consistent with ?