Duplicating a mal’ganis silently increases stats for both.
> https://youtu.be/10eE2p9I6SY https://i.imgur.com/iRuYRNU.png https://i.imgur.com/BATTtmn.png
Duplicating a mal’ganis silently increases stats for both.
> https://youtu.be/10eE2p9I6SY https://i.imgur.com/iRuYRNU.png https://i.imgur.com/BATTtmn.png
That’s interesting, it seems that Mal’Ganis will give +2/+2 to other demons, and then become silenced, removing the +2/+2, effectively healing any damaged demons by 2 health.
I’m not quite sure if this is intended.
I’d say not. It means there’s an aura update happening between the minion copying the identity and powers of Mal’ganis, and the minion copying the fact that it’s Silenced.
Ran a quick test and I believe this is an inconsistency between transformation copies versus summon copies. Unsleeping Soul, which creates a fresh copy of a Silenced minion, will not cause the same issue. Could be other things but that’s easily the biggest technical difference between the two methods. Details here:
I’d argue that any case of copying, transforming, or summoning should be an atomic action. All properties should be transferred over or otherwise specified before anything else on the board can react to its appearance.
Good report, OP.