Explosive Runes

Today I wanted to Discuss the Card Explosive Runes. While playing Ranked Multiplayer on HearthStone This Morning I noticed, if a Divine shield minion attacks and this trap card for a mage activates it will target the amount of HP the Card attacking has then Split the rest into the Players Class

For Example: a Divine shield 3/3 minion attacked, the Trap was set off and did 3 Damage to the Divine shield [0 Damage taken] and 3 Damage to the hero Class.

Do you think thats ruled properly or wrong?

The Alternative would be Dealing 1 Damage to the Divine Shield and 5 Damage to The hero

How its set in the Game Currently is [Amount of HP of Card health]

So For example: Divine shield with 8 Health It would deal 6 damage to the Divine shield.

I think this is improper it should deal 1 Damage to the divine shield no matter what and then 5 Damage to the Class of your opponents

I think it works like it always has. Divine shield blocks damage to the minion and overspray hits face.

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I think it’s wrong, even if it always worked like that.

For me it would be logical that the whole 6 damage gets absorbed by the divine shield.

Divine shield should prevent the first damage the minion takes, hence when you try to deal 6 damage to a ds minion, the whole 6 is prevented and there is no extra damage left.

(I don’t care how it is coded, if it doesn’t make logical sense for me it’s wrong).

this would be very convenient, but it still wouldn’t make sense to me

This is referencing do you think that is ruled properly or should it be 1 Damage to the divine shield and 5 to the class hero.

3 Damage is dealt to the Divine shield Card due to him being a 3 Attack 3 Defensive.

I like it fine the way it is. This sounds like complaining to me about losing to it.