Explore New Heroes in Twist!

Just looked this up for MTG, and You’re right! Matchmaking/deck shuffling is indeed confirmed to be related to individual card weights.

So color me surprised, because if MTG can do it, Blizzard’s team is talented enough to be able to do it too if they wanted .

However I’m still doubtful that blizzard is changing my personal matchmaking or card draws? Because I spend so much time looking at deck/match data from HSReplay pro.

The draw rate for all of the cards in my opening hand is exactly the same. Regardless of the deck I play, the decks I’m matched against reflect the same deck breakdown in my ladder rank.

I guess it’s possible the draw rate for some cards mid game could be harder to track? Or maybe I don’t play enough tier 0 decks?

But it’s interesting to think if it’s even possible for blizzard to change things without deck and match tracking catching the statistical anomalies.

Have you tracked any of your matchmaking data Aggrevane?

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No they do not “personally” look at your cards or deck, the algorithm does that for all players. As for whatever luck you may or may not have with consistency and mulligan/draws, that depends partially on how much money you have spent on the game and partially on MMR/win/loss. Spent money? Have some favorable RNG. Won a lot? How about we have you lose a few times. Lost a lot? Here, we’ll let you win even though you’re using a legacy cards only deck, enjoy that Elven Archer lethal

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Yeah I’m not sure blizzard would make people who paid money draw/match better, that would be too comically evil if it got out?

Is there any actual data to support the money spent accounts have better draws/matchups?

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I’m not too enthused about the C’thun deck. Like instead of making it all about C’thun, all of these random minion generating cards have been thrown in to cater to a passive buff that improves C’thun every other time one of your minions dies, which ends up hamstringing the deck and leading to situations where, unless your opponent can’t counterplay whatsoever and acts like a braindead bot, they will ALWAYS have an answer for C’thun, his followers, or the myriad fodder minions shoe-horned into the deck. Which makes sense, because C’thun support hasn’t really gotten a significant upgrade since the heyday of Whispers of the Old Gods and most of those cards simply cost too much for what they actually do in this more modern format, but it’s still unsatisfying because C’thun’s win condition at present centers around stalling the the game for about 20 turns to make C’thun big enough for an OTK, stacking armor and healing until the opponent burns themselves out, or a combination of the two; strategies that don’t work with how aggressive or unpredictable the other Twist decks can be, or how one of them has an instant-win condition that largely invalidates C’thun’s strategy simply because C’thun as is cannot apply enough pressure fast enough to disrupt Xyrella’s healing.

If I had to suggest a change? Drop the existing passive and make it so the various C’thun support cards interact with the C’thun hero instead, healing him and giving him temporary attack power each turn. After all, Druid was the class chosen to represent C’thun, so why not make it feel more like a Druid deck by having the hero tank up and attack themselves to apply some token pressure while slowly building towards their end-game win condition? It also gives C’thun a backup strategy in case they’re forced to drop C’thun too early for the OTK and can’t recover it because of luck or the pace of the game ordinarily not allowing to drop an 8-mana minion just to add a slightly bigger C’thun back to their hand. Instead they can keep applying pressure as they keep putting minions on the board that provide small heals and attack buffs to their hero. That is a strategy most of the other Twist heroes should be able to keep pace with, if not outperform due to the obsolescence of C’thun support, while still not making the deck so aggressive or defensive that there is absolutely no counterplay, and also enforcing the notion that the OTK is still a credible threat and it’s not going to take 20 or 30 turns for C’thun to have the 60+ attack necessary to clear a board of high health minions and kill the enemy hero because the threshold for the OTK will be lowered as the game continues.

Just my two cents. I’ve always been a big fan of C’thun decks, but this Twist event is REALLY starting to demonstrate just how poorly C’thun has aged and the kind of adjustments a C’thun deck would need to survive in modern Hearthstone without being completely reinvented and losing the spirit of the original design.


its a bug they know about it

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Arfus and LOL.

/20 chars

It would be a really cool one without Arfus.

That happens to me too, and I have two copies of it! golden and standard ones

This seems like a great idea and fits with the Whizbang theme, a sort of more in-depth Tavern Brawl with wacky decks where the barrier to entry is just owning some cards. Don’t care about matchmaking, just queue a deck sight unseen and wing it. Hoping for some good old Duels-style unbalanced madness and I’m here for it.

p.s. it’s wild that this got an entirely bespoke “view deck” UI built for it. Maybe it will stick around for a while.

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you suck so bad at ur job. all of this is crap. Hire people who care about games you corporate #$$#

Legend rank in twist ladder broken. It’s not progressing when I win… I’ve been at 478 now for like 5 matches. Can someone explain or fix…