Expansion of Discarding for your Opponent

Imagine hearthstone wants to throw a wrench into the works and goes all out with an expansion introducing multiple cards with the mechanic of discarding or destroying cards in your opponents hand, in an immediate fashion (This is not immolate, that is a BAD slow card)

What would your reaction be?

I wouldn’t mind it too much so long as it wasn’t limited to one class like warlock.

Hand destruction is one of those things that you have to be careful about how much of it is allowed though.


I would certainly love it. However, the game would also need graveyard recursion in return.


Actually the way the game does that is from the event log.

This is why cards like eternal servitude work summoning the same dead minion again and again.
It’s pretty easy to program a way to get discarded cards back.

I’m content with Immolate. The card is fair for a few reasons. It costs 4, and gives your opponent 3 turns to play their Immolated cards, before they’re burned. Disruption is not very powerful right now, the few cards that are disruption, that is. Below I’ll list a card that you may find useful in such circumstances.

Rare · Minion · Voyage to the Sunken City · Battlecry: Look at 3 cards in your opponent

I’d personally love to see more disruption. The problem is that Hearthstone players absolutely despise such effects.


Discarding from hand is very powerful to me: without cards in hand you can’t win a game.
Some cards are fine (1-2 in 1-2 classes), but an entire expansion with that mechanic sounds awful to me

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This reminds me… I miss Glide dearly. Its removal from the core set has almost single-handedly destroyed the DH questline. While DH has a lot of draws (maybe the best draw at the moment). However, it’s just insufficient to allow for proc’ing the questline consistently. Even with 40 card decks now, theres nevertheless very unlikely to proc the quest.

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As long as those cards go into classes with bad draw. Giving classes with good draw discard effects against classes with bad draw is just not what this game needs.

Depends on how many cards are in the expansion and how hefty the discard power is with em. Matches would at least be a lot faster lol

That said, i love my deck destruction Warlock deck and wouldn’t say no to more fun cards to toss in it. :eyes:

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If you think about it its no different than fatigue decks of which there have been several in the past, its frustrating for sure but its nothing new. Druid and quest hunter still ruin you faster

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It’s all a matter of balance.
Just imagine Immolate would be too good and consistent. (Less mana & quicker discard, multiple cards that do these things - maybe even with a body on top,…)
As a result only aggro would remain, as any win condition that relies on cards in your hand would be gone.
Everybody would be in topdeck mode by turn 3, as it is just not worth keeping cards in your hand just to discard them.
Sounds like a stale meta if over tuned.

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This design actually ASTOUNDED me(coming to hearthstone from MTG where I memed Madness decks for a living)

Logically, if a minion dies and goes to the graveyard, that means there is ONE minion to be resurrected(or retrieved after being discarded). That’s pretty self evident in a paper game. There’s ONE particular physical card to interact with.

But in hearthstone, if ONE minion dies, you can resurrect that card as many times as you want. And it’s not like it dies, gets resurrected, dies again, gets resurrected again. It dies once and you can summon an entire board’s worth of that minion…

Same with discard. You discard ONE card and you can get it back with Soulwarden every time you play it. Or, like, Clutchmother- you discard THAT card a few times, play Soulwarden, suddenly you have four Clutchmothers in hand.

The graveyard system(or rather lack thereof) in Hearthstone caused me genuine anger when I started playing the game lol, now I’m all hakuna matata about it but I would LOVE to see something less lazy implemented…

The more disruption you give, the more multiple win conditions you need to also give as a counter to all the classes and their deck types. Balancing all that is probably going to end up as a soupy mess with one super deck emerging as the “quest warlock” of the expansion(s).

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To be fair most of those cards not say ressurect either.

They say summon a minion that died this game.
So the description is correct.

A card that actually says the world ressurect check for how many times a minion died on the event log to get the correct number if necessary.

I hear you but don’t really agree. To summon someone/something means to call it to you- logically it goes FROM its origin point(the graveyard) TO the location you summoned it to(the board); there’s only one minion, it can’t be multiple places at once.

If it said summon a COPY of a minion that died this game I would agree with your interpretation- because that’s what actually happens.

We all have our sticking points lol, one of mine is that the graveyard/recursion system in hearthstone is an embarrassment

1 thing I’ve always wondered about the graveyard mechanics: why is there a graveyard icon (the skull under the deck), but it cannot be clicked to see the graveyard?

Cause there was a plan to use this in early alpha versions of the game. However it was never implemented.

Its called mind twist and black mana in Magic:the gathering. Doubt you will see discard outside of Warlock in this game.

it really doesnt matter how how you interpret it, it is heartstone not MTG they get to decide how (and with what wording) things work.

And I get to decide not to like it if I want.

Calm down, I’m not standing outside their office with my torch in one hand and my pitchfork in the other